[ENFORCER] [Nuka] Requesting Immediate Ban

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Name: Nuka

Steam Names: SoDamnSuper, Fattyfatcow

STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:43214618, STEAM_0:1:33026751, respectively

In all my hours of enforcing, this had to be the worst. They started with 4.1 breakage; driving like crap as officers. I let that slide. They then proceeded to shoot up the jails, baton the walls, and shoot a suspect to death co-operatively because he was walking along. This was around 1:30. I demoted them both after they RDMed AyJay; gave them respective warnings. They then went fireman and roadcrew respectively, and were found to be patrolling with lights on (Fire) parked at the hospital (roadcrew). I demoted. Fatty ran across the highway to confront me, shouting 'aboose'. I was then punchwhored by Fattyfatcow. I am requesting a ban around the mark of 3/5 days for these two for:

Evidence can be provided. I have lots of demos, but to view the entire situation would take around 40 mins.
Can totally back this, they both were complete minges - They broke lots of rules, and couldn't care less about breaking them. They made absolutely no intention of role-playing on PerpHeads and should be banned for a long time, both of them.

I also can provide demos of them RDM'ing me and breaking countless rules.
Judging from I personally have seen from FattyFatCow I think this is all correct I gave him a blacklist from cop a couple of days ago for his terrible driving and breaking of 4.1
Sorry Blackdown, i'll get those for you later. There is quite a few incidents, i'll just grab the biggest
Nuka said:
Sorry Blackdown, i'll get those for you later. There is quite a few incidents, i'll just grab the biggest
Okay, just send me to me over steam so I can check it out. You can also give then to lewis in case I am at school or can't look at them for a bit since I have testing this week. Anyways thanks. And to add on to what Lewis said, I have had to speak with both if then multiple times.
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