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  1. Nothelle

    Whats really happening...

    When you're dead, just think to yourself, at least you know that the fire fighters and medics are making the most of the summer...
  2. Nothelle

    Refund Request for remington 870

    Your in-game name: Nothelle Polis Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59733085 What do you need refunded: Remington 870 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Swat Officer mingegrabbed my shotgun when I was a defender in a raid. Did not get authorisation to bag the item. Evidence: @Chris accepted the AR on...
  3. Nothelle

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Nothelle Polis Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59733085 What do you need refunded: 4 large pots, 10 marijuana seeds, 10 coca seeds Why do you want your item(s) refunded: My game crashed whilst I was basing in the Office building shortly after planting my drugs. I thought that I could...
  4. Nothelle

    Finger Print Scanner for items

    Topic: Finger Print Scanner for guns or items etc... Short explanation (in notes): - Police tool - Scans items for players finger prints (Their appearance and name) - Like the DNA scanner but for the police and items. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): If items were to be...
  5. Nothelle


    Hey guys I am not new to this community, I just left for a little bit. I have come back after a few months and now I have rejoined, can't wait to start RPing with you all again!
  6. Nothelle

    Robber mask

    Topic: Robber Mask Short explanation (in notes): - Stops cops being able to identify you easily. - Can be stored in your inventory, then when you are going to raid, rob the bank or whatever you put on the mask to hide your identity. - You cannot wear it around without a valid reason, and...
  7. Nothelle

    Being Able to Rob Jewelry Stores

    Topic: Jewelry Store Robberies Short explanation (in notes): - Being able to go to any Jewelry store (Clothes store) and rob it just like the bank. - Would be easier to rob than the bank, and the police call out should be like a house alarm. - Your stars in the top right hand corner would be 3...