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  1. Nate Sparks

    im in the news Im in the orange in one holding the hose on the far left, in another im wearing black sunnies in my orange uniform and in others im on the far left in orange near the crash. First...
  2. Nate Sparks

    Our police force in game.

    This explains our police force in game 100% and what people think when joining.
  3. Nate Sparks

    My donations to date

    Just if anyone was ever curious. Well Ive sold 19 VIP for 30 days at a rate of 80k. So that's about 95$ euro. Hope it helps keep the server going.
  4. Nate Sparks

    Post your photos

    Well I haven't seen one on here yet, so Post a photo of yourself. If you can.. Sorry for all the photos. Here are some of my older military photos from about about 9 years ago. More recent ones from past year and last month.
  5. Nate Sparks

    911 Call System and Radios

    Well Im typing this at work and shouldn't but please don't be a grammar Nazi. While im Police Chief I keep getting 911 Calls for paramedics and fire fighters and road crew. I would like to suggest that we have a automated system to press 1 for police and 2 for ambulance and so on. Then you...
  6. Nate Sparks

    Nate Sparks intro

    Hello Everyone. I'm Nate Sparks and I'm not new to perp or gaming. I prefer to be a police officer as I can interact with the general pop much more than as anyone else. I have 792 hours playing gmod and most of those hours are from the original perp server before the others years ago. Im 30...