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  1. DocBerry

    Know your guns [Sidearms]

    Ahoy has a good knack at making these gun info videos, I have picked out the ones that we see in the server. Knowing a bit more about your sidearm might expand knowledge about it a bit. *The MP5 was added because it can be hidden while in the server (Like a sidearm) If you guys enjoy...
  2. DocBerry

    Supply Line for FF

    The idea is simple, A small pipe prop is placed in range of a hydrant or fire truck to extend the range of the reach of hoses, this will also make fighting fires in some suburbs a bit more easier including even forest or farm. The catch is, only one pipe can be placed by an FF player.
  3. DocBerry

    Hello there =3

    Greetings everyone I am Doctor Berry~ Also know as "Douglas Cranberry" . You know, that super helpful medic guy that keeps popping up everywhere? that's me~. As you guessed by now, I'm mostly a support type player, Always have been. From Battlefeild 2142, Bad company , Team Fortress 2 , Arma...
  4. DocBerry

    Connection Problem

    Ok, so I started playing on this server for a few hours last night. (Really enjoyed it) And when I try to play today my game closes when sending info. At first I thought it was because it wasn't downloading the map file correctly, fixed that by going to the workshop and manually adding it and...