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  1. cardstarvipe

    Phone textures

    pls fix idfk how to do it ive reinstalled the workshop content still doesn't work i have CSS
  2. cardstarvipe

    Help me (league of legends)

    For the love of god help me im trying to get gold but my teams are actually fucking retards without any fucking game sense and im losing my mind went from S3 60 LP to S4 10 LP
  3. cardstarvipe

    RR 24k because of clothing bug

    Your in-game name: Philip Wood Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82479983 What do you need refunded: 12k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because when i changed my clothing i bought the 14k suit and ones i purchased it it gave me a regular long sleeve tshirt. Evidence...
  4. cardstarvipe

    Reccomendation for Callum Byford

    He's helping sweaters in need donating money so they can get started on the server. Ive known the guy for a really long time. Excellent cop really calm guy should deserve a higher rank within the PLPD.
  5. cardstarvipe

    When to help someone when they are being arrested.

    Well im wondering at what amount of jail time you should be allowed to lets say gunpoint a cop to uncuff your friend. Ive not found a theard/post or rule that states at what sentence you are allowed to do so without breaking 3.4 (If there is a thread/post or rule about it please feel free to...
  6. cardstarvipe


  7. cardstarvipe

    [CASINO] Add Blackjack

    Main Idea: Add blackjack tables inside of the hungries. Full description of the idea: Add blackjack tables inside of the hungries.Simple as that. Why should it be added?: It fits the casino feel we are trying to get out of hungries perfectly.Its fun way for people to gamble and lose all of...
  8. cardstarvipe

    [CASINO] Add Roulette

    Main Idea: Add roulette tables inside of the hungries. Full description of the idea: Add roulette tables inside of the hungries.Simple as that. Why should it be added?: It fits the casino feel we are trying to get out of hungries perfectly.Its fun way for people to gamble and lose all of their...
  9. cardstarvipe


    @Hondje! Is a really good officer.The way how he execute's some difficult RP situations is just excellent. He's a calm person and approaches it very well. He's a strategic thinker and i like that about him. Deserves a promotion since i only think hes a senior atm.
  10. cardstarvipe

    Stranger Things 2

    I was a very big fan of the first stranger things season. Probably my favorite series apart from rick and morty. Sooo... i was wondering if anyone else is hyped for it aswell?
  11. cardstarvipe

    Changing rule 1.0

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Rule 1.0 Your version of the rule: Make it so it will be only enforced on the official perpheads teamspeak only and on the server. Its bullshit in my opinion that people are getting banned for talking shit about someone on their private teamspeak/discord...
  12. cardstarvipe

    Sam's goodbye

    Posted for @Sam Hello, so yes I got a community wide ban today and that was because I didn't report a hacker to the staff team and I was meta gaming with him, so I can say nothing but sorry to everyone who I have disapointed. I made a massive fuck up I only have myself to blame. I would like...
  13. cardstarvipe

    Big Smoke

    @JarredInator @Wolfjie @Simon Gruber
  14. cardstarvipe

    The 1 time i get lucky

  15. cardstarvipe

    Rising Storm is free today
  16. cardstarvipe

    Changing rule 1.0

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Changing rule 1.0 Full description of the idea: Rule 1.0 currently states this "These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not...
  17. cardstarvipe

    Changing 1.0 Basic Conduct Rules

    Main Idea: Changing rule 1.0 Full description of the idea: Rule 1.0 currently states this "These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not a part of this community;" wich i find a little bit over the top as it bassicly means u...
  18. cardstarvipe

    My Ip...

    Hello perpheads community. Bassicly my ip has been leaked by also known as wich ingame is called daniel ... or on his actual main account Amir Arnolds. Bassicly what happend is i caught him ban evading seen in the picture under spoiler Zoombroom. And he got permabanned of course after he got...
  19. cardstarvipe


    Main Idea: You dont die of bleeding out as you are bandaging yourself Full description of the idea: You dont bleed out as you are bandaging yourself Why should it be added?: Because its fucking bullshit that u die as you ar bandaging yourself. Pros: everything about the suggestion Cons...
  20. cardstarvipe

    RR baretta

    Your in-game name: Philip Wood Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82479983 What do you need refunded: 1 baretta with a mag inside of it Why do you want your item(s) refunded: The person that killed me had a unvallid reason Evidence:
  21. cardstarvipe

    James Timmons

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Cardstarvipe/Philip Wood His/Her Steam/In-game Name: James Timmons His/Her SteamID: No idea Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 randomly came of to my shop attempting to start a fight then when i refused called me a pussy and a dead man and shot me Evidence (Demo...
  22. cardstarvipe


    I personally think @ShadowJoey is currently one of the best mods that we currently have (not to hate on any other staff ofcourse). He always responds to reports fairly quick and handles them bassicly perfectly hes a nice and calm guy wich i like about him so i think he deserves this...
  23. cardstarvipe

    RR Car

    Your in-game name: Philip Wood Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82479983 What do you need refunded: Because what happend was a bug wich caused my car to wreck Why do you want your item(s) refunded: 2.1k Evidence:
  24. cardstarvipe

    3.21 EDIT

    Main Idea: Editing 3.21 so its clear wether on you can or cant mug at DD Full description of the idea: Well currently the NPC rule is really vague at the moment it says so thats bassicly saying that u cant do shit infront Gov NPC's because they will call the cops etc but what about the drug...
  25. cardstarvipe

    I tried but didn't succeed

    @ShadowJoey The build up was fucking great though
  26. cardstarvipe

    That speed enforcer though

  27. cardstarvipe

    That ambulance though

  28. cardstarvipe

    Hats,glasses underneath people/in the ground

    Its bothering me anyone know a fix? ive verified my game cache,reinstalled all the content packs idk what else to do
  29. cardstarvipe

    Dirt 3 its free for a day so get it if u want
  30. cardstarvipe

    RR M4

    Your in-game name: Cardstarvipe Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82479983 What do you need refunded: A m4 with a stock and flash supressor Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because during the halloween event this guy ran me over just to get my m4 while i was reloading my mags Evidence: @Cole