Search results

  1. Chadd Ross

    Police Suggestion Paid tickets add to city budget

    Suggestion Title: Paid tickets add to city budget Suggestion Description: When a citizen pays their fine it will be added onto the city budget Why should this be added?: - just to add some extra realism, usually paid fines IRL go toward the council - adds an extra income stream for the mayor...
  2. Chadd Ross

    Model Suggestion Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle

    Suggestion Title: Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle Suggestion Description: I would love to see a Mercedes Sprinter or Volkswagen T6 marked as an incident command vehicle. Generally with significant incidents involving multiple serious injuries/casualties a Paramedic...
  3. Chadd Ross

    6 Person PLPD Nade

    PLPD incompetence at its finest
  4. Chadd Ross

    Im back .. ish

    Id foremostly like to apologize for being a bit of a salty twat and saying the servers dying ... my bad After some consideration, I've decided to come back to the community
  5. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  6. Chadd Ross

    !!!!!!1 MILL GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

    I'm giving away 1 mill in-game cash as I'm leaving The winner of this quiz will get the money < ----------------- QUIZ Whoever has the highest score by Friday gets the money good luck all! EDIT : You can submit more than once ,just put how many times...
  7. Chadd Ross


    l8ters I'm moving on to Altis life ... I got bored of perp late last year .. every time I logged on it was the same thing over and over. It's kinda just devolved into this mess of annoying power growing orgs and salty plpd members. This is my immediate resignation from all plpd activities...
  8. Chadd Ross


    ONLY FOR A WHILE (8 clickbait 9 me) As a lot of you have probably noticed my activity on perp has been slowly going down till it ground to a halt about a 1 week ago . So I have officially decided that I'm taking a break from perp .I WILL be returning after the holidays so don't you worry ...
  9. Chadd Ross

    Online Movies

    virgin has now blocked 123movies which sucks and now I have no source of getting free films ... does anyone have any other good sites to use?
  10. Chadd Ross

    Replacing The Police Shotgun

    Main idea: Replacing the police Shotgun [Remington] Description: As everyone is aware the Remington isn't good at anything . It has no long range capabilities and horrifically bad short range as well.The practical applications for this weapon really don't make up for all the disabilities that...
  11. Chadd Ross

    Made a dumb lelios meme

    While making a response to strobez's enforcer app I got bored and decided to go a bit overboard and make this shitty meme
  12. Chadd Ross

    Bean Can gets salted

    Just a clip that I found from my fraps dump @Bean Can
  13. Chadd Ross

    Dankest memes

    Use this thread to post the dankest of memes you have! these are my top 3 memes
  14. Chadd Ross

    Recommendation for Tyla

    I would just like to make a quick recommendation for @LordTyla who had amazing communicational skills during the raid on '' today .Throughout Tyla managed to co-ordinate the raid and the police force whilst maintaining situational awareness at all times while trying to negotiate with the...
  15. Chadd Ross

    Overwatch !

    anybody excited for overwatches release on may 24th ! Because I sure am I played during the beta and had a load of fun . just wanted to see if it was only me who had an interest in it
  16. Chadd Ross

    Capital punishment

    Topic: Execution Short explanation (in notes): -Some way we can kill people for committing crime -Needs a sergeant or higher to execute a perpetrator Detailed description (why should it become added/...):Some people do crimes that are much much worse than a 10 year sentence (@Walker)so I...
  17. Chadd Ross


    Topic: Rearming Short explanation (in notes): -Swat will be able to rearm at the van -You only get half of your full equipment -2 mags (for both guns) | 1 flash | 1 c2 Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It should be added because a lot of the time swat run out of resources...
  18. Chadd Ross

    Shield for swat

    Topic: S.W.A.T officers Short explanation (in notes): -adds a shield that only swat could use -it replaces primary weapon (if chosen from armory) -You can’t use your pistol while shield is up -It blocks the some of the bullets while others ricochet off Detailed description (why should it...