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  1. Silent


  2. Silent


    some may say its salty goodbye post but with all the bans i never made goodbye post, i enjoyed my stay here and it would probably be more fun if not the aids and shit staff members around. if you think im wrong then lol look at the players list its around mostly 30/50 people never seen it full...
  3. Silent

    Shittage #7

    sound is a bit fucked at some points but still its dope as fuck Enjoy
  4. Silent

    How to raid office #v4

    TFU is dope i yelled alot i think
  5. Silent

    Shittage #6

    not the best one but enjoy
  6. Silent

    Shittage #5

  7. Silent

    [SOLVED] shadowplay fucked for me

    When i save last 5 minutes like i usually do, after a while doing it i found most of my shit called lockapphost and when i open it its just black screen and i hear only the sound. any fix?
  8. Silent

    Shittage #4

  9. Silent

    shittage #3

  10. Silent

    shittage #2

    Some more raiding clips and some csgo stuff Enjoy !
  11. Silent

    Some raiding clips #2

  12. Silent

    m4a1 refund

    Your in-game name: Linda Watson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:69207819 What do you need refunded: m4a1 with stock magazine and that rifle comp thingy Why do you want your item(s) refunded: swat thought that his swat van is a tank and just run into cars and got one of the cars to kill me Evidence...
  13. Silent

    perpheads shittage

    And another one... Enjoyyyyyy
  14. Silent


    Your in-game name: Linda Watson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:69207819 What do you need refunded: ak47+full magazine Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I placed my gun in the trunk and it just disappeared the car wasnt full and i tried to reconnect etc... Evidence: Creepis said logs might help...
  15. Silent

    Probably the last shooting clips #plpdhype

    Just joking, you never gonna stop me !
  16. Silent

    1911 #2 this time with rage quit

    So manage to 1 bang a cop and a medic but last cop wouldnt get 1 banged made me rage quit :(
  17. Silent

    rr for a glitch (?)

    Your in-game name: Linda Watson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:69207819 What do you need refunded: M4A1 with stock and full mag. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I couldn't see the guy i was shooting at for some reason, i believe if i would of seen him i might have a chance to kill him. Evidence...
  18. Silent

    Some raiding clips..

    Well i saw some of you enjoyed the raiding in the other video so i had some videos on my pc.. there you go.
  19. Silent

    Raiding slums 3 with 1911 :O

    Raiding with mario slums 3 and that's how to kill 5 people with 7 bullets
  20. Silent

    trading skin in csgo for game.

    So i got ak vulcan in csgo which costs 19.34$ I want to get the game Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege which costs 18$ This is not a joke and im seriously if anyone wants to do the trade contact me somehow.
  21. Silent

    40 seconds of pro

    dont hate because the only thing i knew how to do in sony vegas is that fade shit and enjoy the 40 seconds how do i remove that shit in the corner says i edit with sony vegas?
  22. Silent


    Your in-game name: linda watson Steam ID: What do you need refunded: remington Why do you want your item(s) refunded: a cop mingegrabbed it @John Daymon
  23. Silent

    Massive rdm refund request

    Your in-game name: linda watson/nadine kennedy Steam ID: Linda's- STEAM_0:1:69207819 / Nadine's- STEAM_0:0:37831563. What do you need refunded: Colt M1911+magazine, dont know which pistol nadine had, probably logs/nadine herself would be able to tell. Why do you want your item(s) refunded...
  24. Silent

    a bit of aids (like always)

    sorry woman @Envionic @Epithax @Sagittarius/That Guy @ijokerxo
  25. Silent

    police wouldnt be able to see names on the doors.

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: police officers wont be able to see names on the door Full description of the idea: basically when being a police officer and standing infront of the door its saying the name of the...
  26. Silent

    Refund request

    Your in-game name: Linda Watson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:69207819 What do you need refunded: 2 large pots 40 marijuana 10 weed seeds Why do you want your item(s) refunded: a guy disconnected while having 2 drugs after being told they havent been taken yet. Evidence: you can see in the logs...
  27. Silent


    Archi is a great moderator, responding to reports and helping new players, yesterday he did 1 of my reports and i saw him being respectful and proffesonial, he read the guys the rules they broke and made sure they understood it, you are really nice guy @Archibald and friendly keep the good work :D
  28. Silent


    When its late and boring..... @neO- @CENGOLE #AnDieApes @Mucky baby boy
  29. Silent

    When finlay starts to sing.......

  30. Silent


    Your in-game name: silent/linda watson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:69207819 What do you need refunded:remington fully loaded Why do you want your item(s) refunded: raided someone and he disconnected after couple of seconds. Evidence: Thanks @Chris for the picture.