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  1. Ben Lockwood

    Ben Lockwood Refund request

    Your in-game name: Ben Lockwood Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45983634 What do you need refunded: An m24 With the following attatchments (Not shown in demo) Night force scope, 7.62 by 55 supressor and the bullets (shits costly man Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Aarons tesla ate it Evidence...
  2. Ben Lockwood


    Well as My gmod seems to spawn limitless problems I will be all sorted and ready to play by thursday evening. Believe me this is more of a pain than you can imagine
  3. Ben Lockwood

    Hope you have not forgotten me

    Basically recently I have had a lot going on and have been unavailable due to a number of different things however this post is not to dwell on them but simply to say hey again everyone. I will be back to my usual nerdy activity, see you in the game.
  4. Ben Lockwood

    Error failed to send a snapshot

    a few of you may have noticed that I have not been on the server recently,the reason for my inactivity is not boredum or anything like that but the plain fact that I cannot connect. I try to connect around 5-10 times a day and every time I get a message that pops up saying "Error! Failed to send...
  5. Ben Lockwood

    Uploading some of my CS

    I play cs like 8 hours a day when I am not in work or college so I thought I would upload some aces etc, the main issue being that the only ace I got today was this shitty one. YOLO
  6. Ben Lockwood

    Perpheads chat guide.

    In this guide I will be covering the proper use of various different chats that are available on PERPHEADS. Index /Report /Help /OOC /LOOC Text chat Voice chat /Yell /whisper /Org /Gov /me /Desc /Act Out of Character based chats: All Out Of Character chat functions are subject to the Basic...
  7. Ben Lockwood

    Being friendly to the new guys

    I would like to give a recommendation to @JohnRiddle as recently due to summer holidays starting and what not there has been a larger than normal number of new players that don't fully understand the rules and of late I have seen Riddle helping a lot of our sweater vest brethren out. If he...
  8. Ben Lockwood


    Hard drive just ate shit, back as soon as I can be
  9. Ben Lockwood


    I am back so heeeeeyyyyyyyy and i will be taking your durgs now
  10. Ben Lockwood


    Going to keep it short, I was pretty much done with playing the game so a while ago I made the decision to try for staff and I really enjoyed administrating but recently I don't have the time to hold the high staff rank that I had when there are more deserving people out there. I really...
  11. Ben Lockwood


    I noticed a lot of people on the server play CS when not on the server so i thought it might be a nice idea to post this thread so people can add each other and maybe get some full teams instead of having that annoying pickup guy screaming and knifing you in spawn. :) If you wanna play with us...
  12. Ben Lockwood

    My inactivity

    Basically I thought I might take a short break and play skyrim, simples. Back now to catch them naughty rule breakers and hope you did not miss me too much babes. ;)<3
  13. Ben Lockwood

    Ben Lockwood's late inactivity notice

    Hey just thought I would explain where i have been and where will be for a little longer. basically Friday night I went to prom and planned to write this Saturday morning before i went on holiday, problem with that was party didn't finish till 4AM ish and i was still drunk when i woke up to...
  14. Ben Lockwood

    [CLOSED] The Belinsky Family Application

    The Belinsky Family 'A word of honour, is worth blood' APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!
  15. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

  16. Ben Lockwood

    Mugging change or new rule

    I think that the fact that you can not kill after a mugging needs to be mentioned specifically rather than just being covered by 3.3 as some people may argue that it is realistic. It would make it easier for staff if they could state a rule that said specifically that It is not aloud. even if...
  17. Ben Lockwood

    new rule suggestion "minge grabbing"

    I think a rule should be put in place that prevents swat/police confiscating during a sit. Example being sometimes we are based and on the defence and we get pushed back but a cop runs into gun fire and grabs some plants or guns before dieing and is all the richer for it. Basically this would...
  18. Ben Lockwood

    Cool new feature

    Not sure wether this is new or I'm super un-observant but it is a very cool feature. I noticed recently that when I get shot and go unconscious instead of being able to see or going straight to black there Is a fade over a few seconds between injured and unconscious. Just wanted to point out...
  19. Ben Lockwood

    Hey I'm Ben Lockwood

    some of you might have seen me around and about in Paralake city (hope i haven't annoyed you.) i just thought that it would be a good idea to get to know some of you a little better. this is basically just a notice to say i am hoping to become a little bit more active on the site as before now...
  20. Ben Lockwood

    Ferrari 512 tr

    Will the handling on this car be fixed in v2? It has a sort of ... Issue at the moment where instead of turning it skids sideways.
  21. Ben Lockwood

    refund request

    i was test driving a ferrari and a cop crashed into me when he was driving on the wrong side of the road this resulted in me not making it back in time and losing 44.5 k through the deposit it should be about 23 minutes in that the drive begins...