Search results

  1. Calum Camorra

    Goodbye (For abit)

    As probably none of you know im Azzam Mohammad. I feel like now is the best time for me to break from perp for 1-2 months. My education is the primary reason for me leaving but i also feel with the recent events that now is probably a good time for a break. Add on steam if you really need more...
  2. Calum Camorra

    RR for m4

    Your in-game name: Azzam Mohammad Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78107295 What do you need refunded:One m4a1, Stock and a Mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded:Got rdmed by a guy at bazzar, he was permabanned once i made the report. Evidence: Tick:n/a
  3. Calum Camorra

    My Return to Perp

    Hello!! I would like to state that i will be coming back to perp after finishing my first half-term of College, which allows me more time to play on perp. Most of you dont know me but i would just like to state for the record that i am back. Big Ups to @Tunnels and @Gimic for helping me get...
  4. Calum Camorra

    Goodbye For Now..

    Ive decided to leave the server for the current time being due to educational reasons and i just dont have that much time to play anymore :/. Thank you to everyone who i had a positive and negative experiance with. I will be on sometimes if at all but not to the full amount i was online...
  5. Calum Camorra


    This Player is amazing at helping the community, We did some Amazing RP together today, in and out of the PLPD and for that i would like to say thank you and keep up the good work @Gimic :) He is really funny and nice to play with. :D -Calum
  6. Calum Camorra

    The Benevento Mafia.... recruiting!

    The Benevento Mafia The Benevento Mafia is a new org that will be created when this post goes up, we are a crime family and we are looking for members to join our ranks. We conduct many legal operations such as our legal team and our insurance team. With many other jobs up for grabs. Our Family...