Search results

  1. Lucius Husky

    Server Suggestion Body bags/Body remover for Police

    Suggestion Title: Body bags/Body remover for Police Suggestion Description: Give police a body bag/body remover tool that can only be used if there is no paramedics in service. Perhaps make the tool a slow use instead of an instant remove and do not pay police for it. Why should this be added...
  2. Lucius Husky

    Bug Report (Lua Error, I believe it happend when Floppa made an empty quick incident.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Lua Error, I believe it happend when Floppa made an empty quick incident. How to reproduce the Bug: Making an empty quick incident, it was made in the forest area between farm fields and the subs offramp from intersection. Time Stamp: Time of...
  3. Lucius Husky

    MalekIsWeird - Omar Asfour

    Omar went out of his way today to help me explain to a new player on how to use his phone and get himself a car to go and explore the city for himself while he had no obligation to do so, very nice!
  4. Lucius Husky

    Bug Report (Staff Rostar doesn't load.)

    Type of Bug: Website Description of the Bug: Staff Rostar doesn't load. How to reproduce the Bug: Click the Staff Roster section. Time Stamp: Time of posting this (13:22 GMT+1) Errors: none Media: none
  5. Lucius Husky

    10x Premium Giveaway for new players.

    Hey! So lately I've been feeling like doing some sort of giveaway, I tried to do something for christmas but this sadly didn't happen for an unknown reason. So I have now decided to give away 10x 1 month premium to new players that could use it. If you are a new player and want to join, please...
  6. Lucius Husky

    Bug Report (LUA error when opening dispatch map, the screen also stays blank.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: LUA error when opening dispatch map, the screen also stays blank. How to reproduce the Bug: Open dispatch map while on-duty as a cop. Time Stamp: Time of posting this Errors: [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/jobs/sh_jobs.lua:595...
  7. Lucius Husky

    Bug Report (Impounding chop shop cars with ticket book bugs out)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Impounding chop shop cars with ticket book bugs out How to reproduce the Bug: Boot a chop shop car Try to impound it with your ticket book It will say you impounded it but its still there Time Stamp: Time of posting this (12:45 GMT+1) Errors...
  8. Lucius Husky

    Server Suggestion Extended prop limit with planters down.

    Suggestion Title: Extended prop limit with planters down. Suggestion Description: Please, make it so that you can get extended props while having planters down for christmas trees. (not for drugs) Why should this be added?: - People actually being able to decorate/build christmas/festive things...
  9. Lucius Husky

    Bug Report (LUA error when opening storage)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: LUA error when opening storage How to reproduce the Bug: Honestly, no idea. Though what I did: 1. Buy Market Stall 7 2. Go to Market Stall 7 3. Open the storage in Market Stall 7 Time Stamp: Time of posting this Errors...
  10. Lucius Husky

    Bug Report (LUA error after archiving stolen car)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: LUA error after archiving stolen car How to reproduce the Bug: Honestly, I just archived a stolen car. No idea how it happend further. Time Stamp: Time of posting this Errors: [ERROR]...
  11. Lucius Husky

    Bug Report (Cant mute my radio properly after respawning + lua error)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Cant mute my radio properly after respawning + lua error How to reproduce the Bug: Be cop, Die, Respawn, Go to mute radio but you cant mute your unit or incident radio anymore. Time Stamp: Time of posting this Errors: [ERROR]...
  12. Lucius Husky

    Community Suggestion Add the new roadcrew/courier ranks/xp to paralake city site

    Suggestion Title: Add the new roadcrew/courier ranks/xp to paralake city site Suggestion Description: Add the new roadcrew and the new courier ranks/experience to the paralake city -> jobs tab. Why should this be added?: - We can see the top amount of people in these jobs easely. - More...
  13. Lucius Husky

    Model Suggestion Add more umbrella colors

    Suggestion Title: Add more umbrella colors Suggestion Description: Add more umbrella colors to the placeable prop, right now if you place the umbrella its always black with white lines but if you go over to the beach you can see different colors there. If added it could be like the snowman prop...
  14. Lucius Husky

    Discord new names be quick!

    For the people with discord nitro, the new username system is now out for most people! Restart your discord quickly (Ctrl+R works too) and claim your username before its unavailable!
  15. Lucius Husky

    Bug Report (Staff Rostar doesn't load.)

    Type of Bug: Website Description of the Bug: Staff Roster doesn't load. How to reproduce the Bug: 1. Go to the staff roster 2. Doesnt work Time Stamp: Time of posting this/Anytime
  16. Lucius Husky

    Refund Request ([-Core-] Daan)

    Your Steam Name: [-Core-] Daan Your Roleplay Name: Lucius Husky Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54498132 Reason for Request: Roadcrew wrecked my car on the wrong side of the highway and drove off, was minging for a while before this happend. Requested Items: 1x full Shelby 1000 repair or $16,400...
  17. Lucius Husky

    Fix the Police Transit Event Van for the event.

    Suggestion Title: Fix the Police Transit Event Van for the event. Suggestion Description: Make it so the Police Transit Event Van allows anyone that joined the event to use the van trunk, so you can get equipment from any van (not sure if this already works), And also make it so anyone can get...
  18. Lucius Husky

    Server Suggestion Revert the weapon + costume change

    Suggestion Title: Revert the weapon + costume change Suggestion Description: Revert the change where you cant equip/have weapons when you're wearing a costume. Why should this be added?: - It currently defeats the entire point of having costumes seeing as having a weapon on you in perp is a...
  19. Lucius Husky

    Lua Bug Report (WW2 costume doesnt show phone animation)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: WW2 costume doesnt show phone animation How to reproduce the Bug: Wear WW2 suit. Go on teamspeak on your phone or do something else on your phone Voila you dont show the animation Time Stamp: Time of posting this Errors: None Media:
  20. Lucius Husky

    Map Suggestion Make the city hall big library window penetrable.

    Suggestion Title: Make the city hall big library window penetrable. Suggestion Description: The big outside window of the city hall library is currently bulletproof, me and Dom were trying to shoot each other through it but it was impossible. Why should this be added?: - Logic/Realism - More...
  21. Lucius Husky

    Server Suggestion Being able to transfer a certain amount of drugs

    Suggestion Title: Being able to transfer a certain amount of drugs Suggestion Description: Now you can only drag an entire stack of drugs even while using right click, make it so for example if I have a stack of 200 drugs and I open my storage I can store 100 of those 200 by right clicking and...
  22. Lucius Husky

    Map Suggestion Headglitch at large subs houses

    Suggestion Title: Headglitch at large subs houses Suggestion Description: Please fix the headglitch at the large subs houses, I'm not sure if it is for all houses but definitely at subs house 3. Its really easy to shoot someone from underneath the balcony railing which is really hard to see as...
  23. Lucius Husky

    Action Request (Guss Griswold)

    Your Steam Name: [-Core-] Daan Your Roleplay Name: Lucius Husky Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54498132 Player's Steam Name: Guss Griswold Player's Roleplay Name: Bertram Rutherford Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23175429 Why should this player be punished?: 3.4, the player decided to drive off...
  24. Lucius Husky

    Lua Bug Report (Speedometer doesnt get hidden behind the tablist when opening tab in a car while this did happen before.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Speedometer doesnt get hidden behind the tablist when opening tab in a car while this did happen before. How to reproduce the Bug: Open tab while in a car. Time Stamp: Time of posting this 12:10 Errors: None Media: None
  25. Lucius Husky

    Doing a giveaway for fun :)

    Hello, I will be giving away 2x premium for 30 days and also 200k total (2x 100k). I am running two giveaways, one for new players only (under 1 week playtime) and one for everyone. If you have under 1 week playtime you can sign up to both! We will obviously check the playtime of people signing...
  26. Lucius Husky

    Map Bug Report (Hungries door is broken and only closes when just a person in noclip is there.)

    Type of Bug: Map Description of the Bug: Hungries door is broken and only closes when just a person in noclip is there. How to reproduce the Bug: Honestly no idea, Im not sure if its permanent of temporary due to it being exploded or something before, but basically the door only closed today...
  27. Lucius Husky

    Lua Bug Report (Crafting required skills are bugged)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Crafting required skills are bugged How to reproduce the Bug: Open F1 > Mixtures > Weaponry or magazines or whatever and you will see it all says it requires strength and intelligence 1 but when you click the actual item it requires more/something else...
  28. Lucius Husky

    Model Bug Report (Your hand is invisible when doing certain actions with your keys)

    Type of Bug: Model Description of the Bug: Your hand is invisible when doing certain actions with your keys How to reproduce the Bug: Get out of a car and look at the car immediatly, or unlock/lock your car etc, your hand will be invisible. Time Stamp: Time of posting this Errors...
  29. Lucius Husky

    Lua Bug Report (Lua ERROR when removing relationships in orgs.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Lua ERROR when removing relationships in orgs. How to reproduce the Bug: Remove a relationship in your org and then try to click another relationship. Time Stamp: Time of posting this Errors: [ERROR]...
  30. Lucius Husky

    Lua Bug Report (Firefighters/medics keep crashing)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Firefighters/medics keep crashing How to reproduce the Bug: I honestly dont know, I guess play as firefighter or medic for long enough till it happens. I have crashed my game 4x today and every time a few or all other firefighters/medics crashed...