Search results

  1. H3RSHAL

    Action Request (Pufferfish)

  2. H3RSHAL

    Action Request (Pufferfish)

    We were raiding farm, I was in the Pink Golf behind the Pink tesla. He was raiding with caretakers.
  3. H3RSHAL

    Refund Request (TheRealHP)

    Your Steam Name: TheRealHP Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Pressman Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:152359442 Reason for Request: I died to a couple sweaters that were running around the map killing people. They had killed me behind the park in Suburbs on the road. My gun was confiscated and the players were...
  4. H3RSHAL

    Refund Request (H3RSHAL)

    The user that killed me had a ticket open on me. I had killed him before in self defense. I believe I said in that same F6 that the user had came back and killed me after I answered your question of why I killed him the first time. I asked if there was any way I could get my gun back but you...
  5. H3RSHAL

    Refund Request (H3RSHAL)

    Your Steam Name: TheRealHP Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Pressman Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:152359442 Reason for Request: I was revenged RDM'd by a user, they were banned for 3.5. Lost my pistol after they killed me. Requested Items: 1x Glock 20, 1x Pistol Reflex Sight, 1x Suppressor 10x25mm...
  6. H3RSHAL

    Bug Report (Piano appeared in inventory but had a value of "0". Couldn't place, drop or store the piano. But after relogging the piano was neither in

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Piano appeared in inventory but had a value of "0". Couldn't place, drop or store the piano. But after relogging the piano was neither in storage or inventory. (Player put 0 'Piano' into storage at Bazaar) How to reproduce the Bug: I don't have any...
  7. H3RSHAL

    Refund Request (H3RSHAL)

    Your Steam Name: H3RSHAL Your Roleplay Name: Jack Pothrus Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:152359442 Reason for Request: I was killed in Bazzar by an rdmming cop, he was killing people and confiscating the weapons. Requested Items: Mp5k with suppressor Evidence Type: Action Request Evidence...
  8. H3RSHAL

    Refund Request (H3RSHAL)

    Your Steam Name: TheRealHP Your Roleplay Name: Jack Pothrus Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:152359442 Reason for Request: I was ran over by a roadcrew worker that was VDMMING, I had my Mp5k out, It fell on the ground, I got back up and it had sprung from the parking lot up the stairs from the ocean...