Refund Request (H3RSHAL)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: TheRealHP
Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Pressman
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:152359442

Reason for Request: I was revenged RDM'd by a user, they were banned for 3.5. Lost my pistol after they killed me.

Requested Items: 1x Glock 20, 1x Pistol Reflex Sight, 1x Suppressor 10x25mm

Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member
Staff Member: @Scrabuz
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I don’t recall any situation like this, please provide more context.
The user that killed me had a ticket open on me. I had killed him before in self defense. I believe I said in that same F6 that the user had came back and killed me after I answered your question of why I killed him the first time. I asked if there was any way I could get my gun back but you said it had already been taken. (And I believe you said to make a request, I don't have any recording of this as I just wiped my clips for more space)

This was the ban I was referencing :1727640723045.png
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