Search results

  1. Willis

    RV Mirrors

    On one hand I really like this idea as for its usefulness but on the other it may take up too much of your screen and when you do go into third person you would still have it being a nuisance. I like the third person on the vehicles and don't think it should be removed, also while we are at it...
  2. Willis

    Car remote keys

    You open your car while near it to enter it then it locks automatically and you can get out while it's locked. To have this option you would have to have the car lock on a toggle ability where when you open it it stays open for you and other players. I don't see the point in this and think it...
  3. Willis

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name: [CM] Willis Age: 16 Country: Scotland Are you active enough?: Yeah Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 IC Information In-Game name: Willis Zaiger Age: 25 Any cars you have: Mini Club, Chevrolet Camaro SS 69 & Cehvrolet Camaro ZL1 Are you VIP?: Yes. What would you bring to...
  4. Willis


    Topic: Inventory Short explanation: -To be able to open your inventory wheel while sitting down. Detailed description: Being able to open your inventory wheel while sitting would greatly increase roleplay eg. restaurantrp, this includes sitting on a chair, a bench and maybe even your car...
  5. Willis

    Paralake Sheriff's Department

    In Game Name: Willis Zaiger Steam Name: [CM] Willis Phone Number: 713-1491 Time Played: 3 Weeks
  6. Willis

    New Rule

    I think this would just cause an unneeded amount of effort and would detour from people going to jail. Although I do not think it is right to search people while they are still on the streets, I do not think having to search then in interrogation is a good idea. Maybe it would be better if you...
  7. Willis

    Refund Request (Last try)

    Your in-game name: Willis Zaiger Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 Reason: The TV has gone once again, going to attempt to keep it inside the car instead of storage this time. Evidence: -Before: -After...
  8. Willis

    Parking Tickets

    Topic: Changing how the parking ticket effects the player. Short explanation: Make an outstanding parking ticket notify the Roadcrew if there is any. Detailed description: An outstanding parking ticket impounds your car and your car is put into the storage, well I've seen the change in how...
  9. Willis

    Refund request (again)

    Your in-game name: Willis Zaiger Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 Reason: Uh the TV is gone again.Bug Evidence: -Before: -After: Tick: N/A
  10. Willis

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Willis Zaiger Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 Reason: Well I bought a TV, next day it has vanished. Bug? Evidence: -Before: -After: Tick: N/A
  11. Willis

    The Montreal Family Applications

    OOC Information Steam name: [CM] Willis Age: 16 Country: Scotland/UK Are you active enough?: Yeah Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 IC Information In-Game name: Willis Zaiger Age: 25 Any cars you have: Chevrolet Camaro SS 69 & Cehvrolet Camaro ZL1 Are you VIP?: Yeah What would you bring to this...
  12. Willis

    Bye! - Steve Zaiger

    Enjoy your holidays, hope to see you later Steve, xoxox
  13. Willis

    Ban/Warning Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Willis Zaiger His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steam: Olivercampbellcrowe IG: Oliver Crowe His SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72160298 Reason: This person started ramming me from the car garage, they then continued to ask me to pull over but instead went to another call to come back...
  14. Willis

    Commonwealth Applications:

    OOC Info: Name: William McLaren Age: 16 Country: Scotland/UK Time-zone: GMT Do you have a microphone?: No How active are you on the server?: Usually on daily for a few hours. Steam Name (Optional): [CM] Willis IC Info: Name: Willis Zaiger Age: 26 Country: Scotland/UK Firearms skill: 31 (Still...
  15. Willis

    The Zaiger Family - NEW

  16. Willis

    Los Zetas (Applications)

    In-Game Name: Willis McLaren Your age: 16 Years old Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 Total Playtime: 2 days (Not up to required) Currently VIP: Yes Microphone available: Nope Firearms level: 1 Why do you want to join the organization: My friend that I've known for some time suggested the org...
  17. Willis


  18. Willis


    Hey, I recently joined the server and gained errors where the atm is and when people have their fists out, apart from this I'm totally fine. I then downloaded the server content pack and installed it correctly, same issue applied. I subscribed to the workshop 12 packs and the 3 additional...