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  1. Seamus

    Staff Team Changes

    Lol Bolli will never give up that rank
  2. Seamus

    Ban Apology (Ethan)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ethan How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Seamus Your Roleplay Name: Johnathon Bad Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:38143127 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: OOC Blacklist...
  3. Seamus


    This is the saddest I've been since the announcement of Thomas Frederick's Children's Hospital
  4. Seamus

    Communication Bans

    Toxicity CWB speedrun (Racism%)
  5. Seamus

    How to stay alive longer in gunfights

    After approximately 3 trillion gunfights, I have decided I have enough knowledge on how to write a comprehensive guide on how to stay alive longer. Hopefully this guide should help newer players who do seem to die a fair bit in gunfights, which is no one's fault really. I have written an acronym...
  6. Seamus

    Opinion on staff ‘wage’

    Yeah, and I bet Obama is also american
  7. Seamus

    Opinion on staff ‘wage’

    The point of Christmas is that it's the time of giving. Fredy has chosen to give his staff members a bit of cash as a thank you for making the server better, and that is completely up to him. It might be a voluntary position, but at the same time it's a voluntary position that comes with a fair...
  8. Seamus

    Indefinite Leave

    o7, will miss you fam.
  9. Seamus

    Good bye....

    What happened?
  10. Seamus

    Don't ban evade. >:C

    Don't ban evade. >:C
  11. Seamus

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    Do you want me to screenshot it next time I see someone say it? I see people complain that TFU are OP, and I agree in that aspect. They get an AWP. So why not just make it so TFU can deal with situations only when they're actually needed.
  12. Seamus

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    Well everyone complains that TFU are OP, why not just have them respond to situations where they're actually needed (i.e: if the defenders have high power rifles or shotguns) Regular officers can deal with pistols easily.
  13. Seamus

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    Honestly, this is why I think TFU should only respond to situations where they're needed. (i.e: If the defenders have primary weapons, and not pistols)
  14. Seamus

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    Well I mean, I can speak from experience since I've played on here since 2013 in patches. Plus, an AWM is only as good as the user, and half the time I see TFU get dropped by reggies with AK47s and Deagles
  15. Seamus

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    Have you joined the server lately?
  16. Seamus

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    To be honest the ironsights remove about half of your vision, and red dots are much easier to work with since instead of having to guess where your bullet is going to hit (because of the iron sights that are 16pixels squared each, we have a dot that is much easier to line up. Thing is, we just...
  17. Seamus

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    This is how every situation with multiple pistol cops go. Pistol cops cordon off an area while TFU go inside TFU inevitably die Pistol cops begin to set up a defense outside of an area Getting ready to figh--blackscreened instantly because of AS50.
  18. Seamus

    adding other orgs to f4

    Definitely a lot easier than having to add everyone individually. Maybe add some sort of exclusion thing as well to prevent certain members? (I.E: Allied organization gets keys, but adding one of the members to your list and then unchecking the box that gives them keys) Also, maybe a way to...
  19. Seamus


  20. Seamus

    Good bye

    You can't exactly change it. This server requires you to put in a really good amount of time if you want to anything that's enjoyable. Basing is fun, but sweaters can't afford to replace guns each time they're lost.
  21. Seamus

    Good bye

    Feel like my last post was a bit quick to judge. Honestly if you're having issues with people, just go to the staff team about it. Despite some flaws, the staff team on here is more cohesive than most staff teams, and I'm sure they'll deal with it. Worst thing you can do when getting bullied...
  22. Seamus

    I'm back

    You play CS, you're rarted.
  23. Seamus

    I'm back

    So basically I was banned before for Mass RDM Now I'm not. So far all my kills on here have been headshots with revolvers, hopefully I don't end up dead somewhere in a dumpster. In all seriousness, good to be back.
  24. Seamus

    What did you do?

    Depends what you've done so far. If you have skills you can apply already (coding, graphic design, cooking) I'd just say go straight for the money.
  25. Seamus


    Yeah I'm glad I'm banned.
  26. Seamus

    Critique of disputes.

    @Inchs A line of text saying "Person A turned this distance this quickly with this amount of accuracy at this time and this date" is a lot less space than an entire demo.
  27. Seamus

    Critique of disputes.

    Could just ask people to start recording if they get caught doing it a few times.
  28. Seamus

    Critique of disputes.

    @Sossa True, then again I have something working that notes down movements done in a very short time over large differences, and how close they were to stopping on the head. Usually cheaters, they move within under a tenth of a second, and usually have a stopping accuracy of around 95-100%...
  29. Seamus

    Critique of disputes.

    @Inchs How are demos and 1:1 spectating different?