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  1. Dead

    Everyone knows me but..

    Hey dude, im glad i helped you out. c: Ian.
  2. Dead

    Ban Request on Jon Pendididietannnanna

    +support, i saw it all happened, as he broke 3,18 and 3,4. 3,18: They were in a raid, Joe and his friend, as he took all the guns and depositing it into the trunk of his vehicle. 3,4: Jay had a gun pointed on Joe, as he turned around walking the opposite position, so he couldnt see the gun, he...
  3. Dead

    S.W.A.T Tactical Breaching Shotgun

    Ive been playing alot of SWAT 4 Recently, and theres this one tactical shotgun for the SWAT team So what this shotgun does is shoot the door open, from the handle or the corners. This tactical shotgun is only used for wooden doors, not for the glass doors. The swat team will be more realistic...
  4. Dead

    Ban request on Kenny Varley

    Neutral You have broke 3.4, for just a traffic ticket or a 2 year jail sentence BUT I have seen his roleplaying, as he is not playing realisticly at all, he didnt comply on your gunpoint, as he is FailRping, and FearRping.
  5. Dead

    refund on my mp5

    Im supporting you. You´ve got bugged through the map, as you didnt had a chance to even escape. You then got tp´d back up by the admins/phys gunned up. You immediately got arrested, as you were actually about to escape.
  6. Dead

    Perpheads, and the return of the Sweatervests

    I hope i can play with you guys again soon! I love you all! :D
  7. Dead

    Ban Request for: Dylan Smith

    Im trying to get a demo, another guy called Lamar, has the demo too, ill ask him as soon as possible, because i have 8 of the same demos, and dont know which one is the right demo. Excuse me.
  8. Dead

    Ban Request for: Dylan Smith

    Excuse me for posing this on the tutorial section. Your Steam/In-game Name: Ian Dalum / Dead His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dylan Smith / Mr. Revenge His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82798042 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Lieing in Admin-sit, [OOC] Mr. Revenge: WELL SOEM ASSHOLE JUST BROKE 3.4...
  9. Dead

    Ban Request for: Dylan Smith

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Ian Dalum / Dead His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dylan Smith / Mr. Revenge His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82798042 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Lieing in Admin-sit, [OOC] Mr. Revenge: WELL SOEM ASSHOLE JUST BROKE 3.4 Cursing in OOC. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:45600...