Search results

  1. Jacob

    i love you

    i love you
  2. Jacob

    i love you

    i love you
  3. Jacob

    i love you

    i love you
  4. Jacob

    Server Suggestion Drug confiscation

    Yup. I agree completely. Would love to hear why this isn't a thing.
  5. Jacob

    Freezing after joined for 3 sec

    I've had this issue a few times. Verifying my game through Steam seems to fix it.
  6. Jacob

    thanks my dude :)

    thanks my dude :)
  7. Jacob

    stop flirting with me :shamefullyembarrased:

    stop flirting with me :shamefullyembarrased:
  8. Jacob

    very good. and yourself?

    very good. and yourself?
  9. Jacob

    hello my dear

    hello my dear
  10. Jacob

    PERPHeads Official PLPD Trailer 2021

    Looks great.
  11. Jacob

    I need help

    Download free anti-virus software like AVG. Download and use CC cleaner. Go through your control panel and uninstall anything that's unrecognised or looks suspicious. Check and download the latest updates for your operating system. If you can't figure it out send me a PM and i'll help you...
  12. Jacob

    Your oldest/best screenshot

    Good times. :)
  13. Jacob


    I haven't properly logged into PERP for years, but I thought i'd post a few pics for the fans. Just off my Instagram don't hate pls ;):confused:
  14. Jacob

    Yeah man!! I was playing a bit, I'm really crap at everything, but it's good fun. :)

    Yeah man!! I was playing a bit, I'm really crap at everything, but it's good fun. :)
  15. Jacob


    Thought I'd post an updated selfie for the lulz. This was from my year 11 prom a few months ago. I'm hot as hell, you don't need to tell me. Don't judge. :)
  16. Jacob

    #Save the sweater vests

    I know when I was staff I would over-watch the Sweatervests simply because they tend to cause issues, because they don't know the game rules and game mode. It may be a stereotype, but it's so god damn useful when it comes to moderating.
  17. Jacob

    Got Bored, made a chart of all bans.

    This is pretty cool. Nice job.
  18. Jacob


  19. Jacob

    Cheers Ash ;)

    Cheers Ash ;)
  20. Jacob

    Thanks man

    Thanks man
  21. Jacob


  22. Jacob


  23. Jacob

    Ayyy thanks bro

    Ayyy thanks bro
  24. Jacob

    Thanks man :)

    Thanks man :)
  25. Jacob

    Thanks bro

    Thanks bro
  26. Jacob

    cheers lad.

    cheers lad.
  27. Jacob

    jarredinator come back

    jarredinator come back
  28. Jacob

    Bye for now

    On the 11th of November 2013 I discovered PH thanks to a certain person called @Chrissy. This for sure has been the greatest community I've ever been a part of, and I've met some truly incredible and friendly people throughout my time here. Unfortunately, I've decided to resign from Moderator...
  29. Jacob

    New rule regarding search warrants.

    -snipped, wrong thread-