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  1. Frank

    why the fuck was i awarded 7 trophies lul

    why the fuck was i awarded 7 trophies lul
  2. Frank


  3. Frank

    came on for a bit today

    came on for a bit today
  4. Frank

    happy birthday Ash.

    happy birthday Ash.
  5. Frank


  6. Frank

    Not sure, you still live in a prison cell?

    Not sure, you still live in a prison cell?
  7. Frank

    The real reason "perp is dying"

  8. Frank

    Thread title...

    Late to say, but see ya man, Stay in touch <3
  9. Frank

    Thanks man

    Thanks man
  10. Frank


  11. Frank

    in malta

    in malta
  12. Frank

    shit xd very cold

    shit xd very cold
  13. Frank

    First time experiences.

    First time I joined a guy gave me a ride and a tour, i remember the guy but not sure about his name, He gave me 10k then we went to projex where he was getting raided, he died, i tried to take his weapon when he told me not to then i died with him. rip
  14. Frank

    PERPHeads Community Survey & Open Discussion

    Just going to put my input which doesn't do much but want to get my word out there. During the time I played, it had many ups and downs, downs overcome the ups though. Meaning there was more bad then good. Staff shouldn't be blamed at all, but some people need to. To start off, many people...
  15. Frank


  16. Frank


  17. Frank

    PerpHeads Community Awards 2016 - Vote!

    frank 4 the saltiest person
  18. Frank

    Client work Open - Designing

    Hello, So in this past few days I have been trying to earn money from designs. I have opened up client work, meaning if anyone wants designs they will be cheap and fast. PM me any requests you have and I will see if I can do it. Portfolio PM me what you need Width x Height of the design...
  19. Frank


    See ya. Gonna miss your voice and you bullying me
  20. Frank

    Haloween Update Fun

    Was amazing and a fuck ton of fun! I have over 100 fish now. fuck
  21. Frank

    Halloween Update: 30/10/2016

    THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER NOW. Thanks for adding the pumpkins back again, now I can't sell them for 20k. :|
  22. Frank

    I don't forgive

    I don't forgive
  23. Frank

    Want to join Anonymous?

    Ahahahhaaahha Fuck off
  24. Frank

    Trunk Refund Requests

    STEAM_0:0:64536372 Mini Cooper AK-47 23 Bullets 1 Mag, 1 Rifle ammo and Glock 20
  25. Frank

    Cigarettes suggestions

    Discussion Post: Cigarettes / cigar animation / more stuff Main Idea: Cigarettes / Cigars to have a bigger change, it may be low but adds a lot more realistic rp Full description of the idea: Well, I am not a coder, but if its not too hard to do I wish to see maybe some more animations...
  26. Frank

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  27. Frank

    Marmite getting fucked by Vegemite

    "The Destruction of the Poor" I think all 3 of them have more money than you all combined. I am sure of it.
  28. Frank

    PLPD S1E1 - "City Lockdown"

    Did you really say "It's the Boston bombing?" Fucking dreadful.
  29. Frank

    bye lads

    Peace bro! I will still talk to you :) So yeah
  30. Frank

    I'm back... I play pok- No.

    Hi I am back as many of you have seen although might be a bit inactive now and then cause of school. RP STORY OF HOW I CAMEBACK: Some months passed until I did "business" in paralake itself. I knew something was not right leaving in America, so I knew I needed to come back some other time. My...