First time experiences.

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Fort Collins, Colorado
This is a thread where you write down what happened and what you did your very first day on PerpHeads.

I'll start:

My very first day on perpheads I had never played on this map before, I had no idea where things were. I asked this gentlemen for a ride and a tour of the city. (Bad Idea) He did tour me around for awhile showing me things, but then he brought me to the back of the farm and robbed me for all the starting money.
This is a thread where you write down what happened and what you did your very first day on PerpHeads.

I'll start:

My very first day on perpheads I had never played on this map before, I had no idea where things were. I asked this gentlemen for a ride and a tour of the city. (Bad Idea) He did tour me around for awhile showing me things, but then he brought me to the back of the farm and robbed me for all the starting money.

Happens to the best of us, the first perp server I played around 5 years ago, I got scammed out of all my starter money which is way more mean than mugging :(

On PERPHeads I can't even remember my first experience, I just remember how amazing it was finding another perp server with a custom map and custom content. I met some really fantastic people on Team Speak back when there were only like 4 channels and 8 people went on. Oh and then I applied for helper but then went inactive due to exams ;(
I joined PERP for the first time with Bertie, some of you might remember him. We joined and no, I didn't run across the intersection, we used the overpass where we saw an officer pulling someone over. We asked him for a ride to the car dealer, standard sweater stuff, he was kind and gave us a ride. I gave Bertie all of the money I had got to start with, I think it was 20k or something? And he bought a mini. It was so hard to start, I spammed my keyboard with a bunch of keys, till I found out it was R. We then decided to drive around, however was soon stopped by the late ramp that was next to bazaar. The mini could barely handle ramps, and we swerved our way up in the end. After not knowing what to do, we left after like 10 mins of driving around. Bare in mind this was like around 4-5am in the night.
The first day I got mugged aswell, but didnt drop anything and got banned for 1.1 aswell
After I was unbanned a man called Ray Augustine invited me in his org and bought me premium and now I am not overpriced (like @Samuel)
I forgot to mention @Skudist for getting me into PassiveRP, which was my first job. We got raided, but that doesnt matter :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
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I got half scammed Cool Breeze he took me under his wing and he said if I grew 4x 1weed and 1coke he would give me 10k...

Well you can't have everything at start!
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First time I joined I was gunpointed into a car where they took me to forest, mugged me, cut my dick off(lawl) and shot me dead.
Didn't join again for a long time after.
In the first week that i joined I became Mayor. I had no idea what to do so i rage quit out of shame the job.
The first, first time I joined the server was in evocity but I got bored and left.

The first time I joined the server properly I hoped onto the team speak and asked for help because I was unable to move. This is where I met Ayjay in amongst his insults found the the general channels xd.

Beyond that a few days later I couldn't join at all as it would just say 'HyDro Killer: Timed Out' or 'Connection Failed after 4 Retries' and so I gave up for a few days.

Then a week or two later I tried again and everything worked! And thus I started to complain about the bad FPS (back in the day without mcore) which has always been a trend. This is where I found Ayjay again at the PD and, being the only person I met on team speak, I tried to make contact... 'Go jump off a bridge'.

Anyway was all good fun :(
I joined the server, went cop, played around for a bit (v1 days), went speed enforcer, kept saying "all clear?", my name was John Klarkson
I joined together with 2 friends. We walked up to the taxi job thingy. We then saw a random dude standing afk and me and my friends started to punch him with baseball bats for no reason. We thought it was a great idea to stand nexto to dead body and relax. Then cops came and we were absolutly stunned by how many they were. Ah man those were the days
First time I joined a guy gave me a ride and a tour, i remember the guy but not sure about his name, He gave me 10k then we went to projex where he was getting raided, he died, i tried to take his weapon when he told me not to then i died with him. rip
I joined and called myself Mister Spook. then Ayjay saw it and forced me a name change, Called myself Gary Spookcher then Ayjay called me dumb and forced another namechange on me and I called myself Gary Butcher.

I then walked over the intersection and instead of a mod or enforcer grabbing my arse it was a police officer and he explained that it wasn't allowed by the rules. I then went basing with @littleegg_09 and we got raided by @Samuel and his raid team. I joined the pd and met people like @jimmythehamster and then decided to stay as this bloke was too fun to play with to actually stay away.

I then yelled at someone for insulting @Mikey his spyder and so did we became friends, he introduced me to a lot of other people and told me he was a mod before, he taught me everything I had to know on this community...

Ah man those were the days
I went on a rampage as RC and rammed through a police barricade at slums.

Eh it was ok 4/10
Pretty sure I got a lift to glass co looking for @MrAaron (rip forums account) and I was met by Standish who told me he was dead. I hung around for a bit, failing miserably at growing drugs then later robbed the bank where I and another recruited sweater got stuck in the vault.
I bought a beretta of @Chris and then decided to go mug someone at fredys while he was in a admin sit with devils son.

Didnt really go as planned
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First death I remember in PH happened in Evocity. Someone paid me to get into their car, and the person decided to ram into a tunnel where cars were parked. The car exploded and I didn't get saved lmao
My earliest memory on PH was getting into a road traffic accident on highway, stepping out of my car and getting turned into sweater spaghetti by Andi & Garo's Fast & Furious antics before they had those dreaded bugattis that made it x9698 worse for pedestrians to exist.

Also, the Standish family fatting the PD for fun every 3 minutes haha.
I first joined PERP just over a year ago after @Moon The Goon introduced me to it. Legendary Reece Arnolds had a plan to mug me for my starting money behind the bank on V2 which resulted in him getting crossed over. Then as far as I remember I got given a Beretta and we raided a wood cabin, someone picked up the meth inside and died and then I ran into the fire like a retard. I didn't grow till about a week into the game mode and I grew small pots without VIP for a long time. Sold and rebrought the mini around 4 times and wasted money quite a lot. Then I found some reliable and trusty friends to get started again and over the year I got to today I guess.
A friend introduced me, and I remember I was amazed that the lightbars and stuff weren't floating, and I had no texture problems or errors at all, like I was used to with other shitty 'RP' servers. We bought him a Mini, and thus an epic car chase began. We crashed on the highway, my friend ran off at gunpoint, proceeding to hurl himself off the overpass, and I was left stuck in the mini.

Good times.