Revoke permissions for players so they can no longer /act airhump - The suggestion

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
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Main Idea: Revoke permissions for players so they can no longer /act airhump - The suggestion

Full description of the idea: With the SCAM update, /act airhump was restriced to staff members only so non-staff could not use it anymore. This was a good feature but was re-introduced somewhere on the 19th of August. People like me agree that this /act generally just ruins roleplay situations.

Why should it be added?: At the moment I only see people use this /act is to airhump near people/people randomly. It's generally just a mingy and un-serious /act that just ruins roleplay situation, making them unbearable to even deal with. Airhumping would be a violation of law 10.1 (also law 9.7 if you would be literally doing it :booty:), in which players should also generally try to avoid jail sentences/misdeamor tickets (10.1 is liable to 4 years maximum or a fine of $4,000) that would impact their freedom of imprisonment or impact their general well being (rule 3.4).
Revoking access to this /act would also prevent warning disputes if anyone would ever be warned for it.

Pros: Makes roleplay situations bearable again without any random interruptions by people nearby doing this /act.
Would possibly prevent disputes if somebody would ever be warned for humping other people unrealistically/randomly during situations.

Cons: 1 less animation for those people that ever do "Erotic Roleplay".
Slayerduck will leave :(

Other additions: Remove it completly.


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I do agree with this, people can ruin some rp moments with this, ruining the point of serious rp. I think staff should be able to have it like every other one. When it was removed more serious rp was back in, but when it was added it messed it up again
It should be removed. I usually see people air humping all the time. Role-Play would be so much better, and we wouldn't have to worry about this matter anymore.
/act airhump is the most retarded thing ever. It's so weird when people try to RP properly and then you see a random guy do /act airhump.
Allthough /act airhump is a minge thing to do I dont think the community is gonna throw it away like a hot potato, it will probably stay here for some time untill @Xquality and the rest of the devs decide its time.
I know some people find it funny to /act airhump behind someone randomly , and especially do it behind a officer and I do too , but It does make role-play situations vey stupid and immature sometimes.

And if this is kept , It should go under 9.7 Sexual Offences In the Paralake Law if you do it behind someone.
I spent 20 minutes making that animation! It was actually just supposed to be a joke but then we decided to include it anyway.
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