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  1. Therealshift

    My GFX - Gallery - Tell me what you think!

    Haha, these are really nice! Really liking the 3rd one, though. Nice job, and keep up the good work :)
  2. Therealshift

    04/04/2015 - Server Crashes Resolved

    This is good news to hear! Thanks for working hard to resolve the issue :P
  3. Therealshift


    Haha. Sorry, I would have responded sooner, but I laughed so hard I got my phone taken away by my math teacher when I read this. Regardless, there is no point in going on a rant or guilt trip, as I doubt you would be competent enough to take it in anyways. The sad part is though. I'm sure myself...
  4. Therealshift

    BillySavery Ban Request

    Yeah, Im going to -support this, as both of you are clearly in the wrong here. Insults were exchanged between the both of you, the only difference being you actually decided to make a ban request for it. Although it is against server rules, if anything both should be warned, or just have this be...
  5. Therealshift


    These are some great videos to showcase what a police officer handles on a daily basis, and the dangers they face. Thanks for showing us these videos, Hayden! Hopefully this allows for some improved police roleplay during priority calls.
  6. Therealshift

    [Suggestion] Car Performance Display (V1.0)

    +Support I actually think this is a good idea! It would give us something to compare cars other than price and word of mouth.
  7. Therealshift

    Billy Belinsky - Ban Request

    I was not attempting to get behind you at all. You also seem to be confused about who was shot. I was not the one who was shot, it was Rodrico, and this is why I posted the BR, as I had done nothing wrong, or anything that would cause me to be shot by you. I was at regal in the first place...
  8. Therealshift

    Billy Belinsky - Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] ScreaM / Adelmo Droga His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Billy Belinsky His/Her SteamID: N/a Why Should This Player Be Punished: Billy broke rule 3.4 by killing me, for an incident that had nothing to do with me, effectively putting his life at risk for an in-adequate...
  9. Therealshift

    Paralake Drug Cartel Alliance

    The Paralake Drug Cartel is an alliance between three of the largest, most powerful organizations within Paralake. Membership P.D.C is an alliance between orgs. If you have any business related questions about joining with profit or military wise contact a leader. Organization Members...
  10. Therealshift


    I'm asking you politely to please edit your org info please? I worked for a bit to try and make a good application form and you have copy and pasted it. it's very disrespectful, actually.
  11. Therealshift

    Mara Salvatrucha

    POST YOUR APPLICATION HERE At this time, recruitment is OPEN
  12. Therealshift

    MS Organization Applications

    Requirements that you should be aware of before posting an application: (IC) Requirements Always be prepared to contest drug turf and home base -There is absolutely ZERO tolerance for disrespecting, or refusing to follow the orders of a higher rank. Under NO circumstances should you be in...
  13. Therealshift

    Hi. Im new and stuff.

    Hey! My names Therealshift, but if you know me, my name on steam is ScreaM, and my IC name is Daniel Long. Hopefully I could get to know some of you people, and last a long time in the community! <3