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  1. LiquifiedCactus

    No but my wallet is empty

    No but my wallet is empty
  2. LiquifiedCactus

    Ex Dee

    Ex Dee
  3. LiquifiedCactus


  4. LiquifiedCactus

    Hey, That's pretty kwl

    Hey, That's pretty kwl
  5. LiquifiedCactus

    A New Senior Administrator

    Despite being from Birmingham, @MrLewis has managed to achieve something, Congratumalations
  6. LiquifiedCactus

    Thanks Radish Milk

    Thanks Radish Milk
  7. LiquifiedCactus

    In due time...

    In due time...
  8. LiquifiedCactus


  9. LiquifiedCactus

    Hype fo inforacer cactus

    Hype fo inforacer cactus
  10. LiquifiedCactus


  11. LiquifiedCactus

    Looks lit

    Looks lit
  12. LiquifiedCactus

    The Doman's

  13. LiquifiedCactus

    How much is your account worth?

    Can we post these replies in a proper currency?
  14. LiquifiedCactus

    I am a furry

  15. LiquifiedCactus

    Shield for swat

    + Support adds to realism add a new job, shield robot
  16. LiquifiedCactus

    Its all about giving ;)

    LiquifiedCactus Lasagne
  17. LiquifiedCactus

    Unlock my Lock

  18. LiquifiedCactus

    Ben Jackman

    I never intended for this situation to get to where it was, Whilst running away I was talking with Swiper on TS, He had disabled my vehicle for annoying the cop by moving the barriers, I told him that I had a reason for what I was doing and that he had changed the IC situation with OOC actions...
  19. LiquifiedCactus


    Btw it's easy to fake.
  20. LiquifiedCactus

    [Debate] Education system in your country.

    School were the best thing I did ever in my life, would do it over again.
  21. LiquifiedCactus

    Post the Google street view of your gaff!

    Here is my "Gaff" Ignore my neighbor he always chills with his nikeys #dunstablethuglyf
  22. LiquifiedCactus

    Who the fuck is David Cameron?

    Who the fuck is David Cameron?
  23. LiquifiedCactus

    Police Tazer Weapon

    I think the tazer would be a great addition to the whitelisted ranks (To avoid abuse), there are times when these would come in handy, nobody is scared of the baton and people aren't scared of the gun when they haven't committed major crimes whereas a tazer can be used in a threatening manner by...
  24. LiquifiedCactus

    Driving at its finest...

    I hope you did something about that cop, I think lending him some brain cells would have been a good course of action.
  25. LiquifiedCactus

    Vehicle headlights idea

    +support I think this would "Adds realism" On a serious note I think this would be a great addition considering current headlights may aswell be fog lights
  26. LiquifiedCactus

    Garage Door Opener

    I see many flying cars in the near future. Also many reports about how people lost guns because their garage door shut on their car.
  27. LiquifiedCactus

    Randomly generated fires / more fires.

    Give me 10,000 Molotovs and I could "randomly" generate fire for about 3 days.
  28. LiquifiedCactus

    What do you do:

    Play different on a server.