Ben Jackman

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck/Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: LiquifiedCactus/Ben Jackman
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:4327022
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Not sure what exact rule but hes ignoring damage done by baton stick
Evidence (Demo Required):
The act:
The sit:
Tick: N/A

I hit him like 35 times with the stick but he refused to comply, i made a admin sit but it didn't go nowhere. The argument was that as long as game mechanics allowed him to run he would continue to run.

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Firstly, you need to always upload a demo of the situation, for further evidence and examining ofcourse. Please do this as soon as possible, supplying a tick number also.

Secondly, judging by the actions of Ben Jackman, I believe him to have broken 3.3(?) but I could be wrong- there could be a more appropriate rule for this. After being hit multiple times with a police baton to the head, especially when you were stood besides him, Ben Jackman should have avoided moving away and attempting to open/close doors.

Many others also do a similar thing however it is uncalled-for. Obviously, I may be wrong as I am not a staff member nor am I known for following the rules judging by my record but I do believe I have been here long enough to know when somebody has broken a rule.

Feel free to discuss further people.
From what I saw in the video, it didn't seem Ben Jackman was being hit enough for him to completely stop. As you can see, he did slow down which indicated he was injured, however in my eyes did not need to stop.

If you could upload a demo, I will be able to see it better.


Edit: After re-watching the video, there is a part inside the shop where he is hit multiple times in a row, and he should have actually stopped.

I will go through this with Arron (who is doing the ban requests this week), get his opinion on it, but for now I agree that he should be punished.
I never intended for this situation to get to where it was, Whilst running away I was talking with Swiper on TS, He had disabled my vehicle for annoying the cop by moving the barriers, I told him that I had a reason for what I was doing and that he had changed the IC situation with OOC actions, he refused to do anything about and so I had tried to get away so that I could talk to Swiper about the situation.
I was barely acknowledged the situation as I was focusing more on my conversation with Swiper.
I feel that me being punished for this situation would be unfair as it was caused by OOC actions.

Edit: The moments when I am stood still are me considering sending a report about the situation, decided not to as it would have just ended with it not being responded to or Swiper closing it.
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In real life if you hit him with a plastic baton like 10 times do you think someone is going to stand around and let you hit them or do you think they are going to run for it? The gamemode is the failure here, not Ben.

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