Search results

  1. Maddog

    Best yet...

    i was there and i can say he was trying to defend a police from getting killed and if we can not step in to defend people what is the point!.
  2. Maddog

    i would like to recommend @Benpob

    Hey Guys I would like to recommend @Benpob, reason is he helped a lot of new players find there feet and when they come to him he never says no to help them and guide them,plus i seen him give money out of his own pockert to get them started. Plus he one of the best firefighters on the server...
  3. Maddog

    Refund Request (Runningbear)

    Your Steam Name: Runningbear Your Roleplay Name: jacl jones Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23670402 Reason for Request: We lost our weapons and drugs from police confiscation as a result of people raiding twice in 60 minutes. I was part of the gentleman Club who was raided 2 weeks ago by the...
  4. Maddog

    Server Suggestion A possible solution to FF ladders request

    i agree with him on this and so many times i had to call admin just simply to put roof fire out. Plus i love the idea you can only put them in center location that would stop the spam of ladders. So he gets thumb up from me
  5. Maddog

    Server Suggestion weather

    Suggestion Title: weather Suggestion Description: i would like to see weather come back to perps, like the old days Why should this be added?: make the server more entrusting and make the city more a live with rain and snow and more realistic What negatives could this have?: could cause lag
  6. Maddog

    got to love both videos and that shocking and i dont mean the dog lol :)

    got to love both videos and that shocking and i dont mean the dog lol :)