Search results

  1. Mendo

    You son of a bitch...

    You son of a bitch...
  2. Mendo

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

    Workout less. Drink more alcohol. Eat more McDonalds.
  3. Mendo

    PARALAKE V6 TRAILER / PERPheads 11 year anniversary

    Can't wait for GTA VI to come out! That way i can pass the time while waiting for V6
  4. Mendo

    I messed up.

    I forgive you
  5. Mendo

    V6 WHEN? Im impatient

    I'm no longer impatient for V6. I am however impatient for V7 at this point
  6. Mendo

    Update Log 01/04/2024 – Vehicle Balance & Model Changes

    Next time it won't be an april fools
  7. Mendo

    Thank you sir

    Thank you sir
  8. Mendo

    Perpheads 10 Year Anniversary

    Holy poo. Nice work
  9. Mendo

    Refund Request (Mendo)

  10. Mendo

    Refund Request (Mendo)

    Your Steam Name: Mendo Your Roleplay Name: Ezra Morgan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148366271 Reason for Request: I lost my HK45CT when i was wrongfully gunned down. The user was banned for his actions. Requested Items: 1x HK45CT, 1x HK45CT Magazine (loaded). Evidence Type: Authorised by...
  11. Mendo

    Server Suggestion can cancel the boby and crowbar

    I like that more.
  12. Mendo

    The Best Airline

    I'm happy RyanAir isn't an option. You know; the airline that charges you extra if you wanna sit INSIDE THE PLANE
  13. Mendo

    Refund Request (Mendo) @Ezza
  14. Mendo

    Refund Request (Mendo)

    Your Steam Name: Mendo Your Roleplay Name: Ezra Morgan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148366271 Reason for Request: I was killed while AFK in my bussiness shop. Requested Items: 1x HK 45CT 1x HK 45CT Magazine (Loaded) Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Ezza
  15. Mendo

    Update Log 21/02/2023

    Ah yes. My favorite american invention
  16. Mendo

    Update Log 13/02/2023

    Does this include damage?
  17. Mendo

    Thank you babes!

    Thank you babes!
  18. Mendo

    Thanks man!

    Thanks man!
  19. Mendo

    Refund Request (Mendo)

    Your Steam Name: Mendo Your Roleplay Name: Ezra Morgan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148366271 Reason for Request: My car was tiered by a rule breaker Requested Items: $30000 for the car repair Evidence Type: Action Request Evidence Link...
  20. Mendo

    Action Request (Norman Beige)

    No, thats why i provided the time and date so you could check logs. I was also hoping for Mr. Norman Beige to give a statement. NOTE: The time is CET
  21. Mendo

    Action Request (Norman Beige)

    Your Steam Name: Mendo Your Roleplay Name: Ezra Morgan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148366271 Player's Steam Name: Norman Beige Player's Roleplay Name: Norman Beige Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28783129 Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 - User stole my car (approx. 02:15AM...
  22. Mendo

    Refund Request (Mendo)

  23. Mendo

    Refund Request (Mendo)

    Your Steam Name: Mendo Your Roleplay Name: Ezra Morgan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148366271 Reason for Request: Wrecked my car due to a sweater driving on the wrong side of the highway. Requested Items: 30K repair cost of a Pagani Zonda Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  24. Mendo

    London tips

    It almost beats drinking straight out of the thames
  25. Mendo

    Paralake V6

    Nice cliffhanger
  26. Mendo

    Good recording software.

    Shadow play
  27. Mendo

    12.3 Edit - Right Turn On Red (RTOR)

    Will they pay me back for my wrecked car? Absolutely not
  28. Mendo

    My hobby, and maybe yours too?

    throw it into an iceberg instead