Search results

  1. Maia

    The easiest & fastest way to get 1 million perp cash

    !givemoney or something like that, extremely useful
  2. Maia

    French tourists

    A french countryman, love to see it! To be honest, a large percentage of players in this community are not native english speakers. As long as your English is understandable, you're more than welcome here. Amusez-vous bien sur le serveur :)
  3. Maia

    @GP we might have to invest some money into our next big bust...

    @GP we might have to invest some money into our next big bust...
  4. Maia

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    I was about to say, that's some marketing shenanigans you were pulling
  5. Maia

    Server Suggestion WANTED Spawn

    The porpheads community has spoken
  6. Maia

    you are a lying piece of shit!

    you are a lying piece of shit!
  7. Maia

    Server Suggestion Paralake Radio

  8. Maia

    Server Suggestion Org Salaries

    MY POV: On dismissiveness towards the idea: It seems that many people are rating this suggestion negatively because they feel it’s “easy to handle payments manually”. However this doesn’t take away the merit of introducing a system that simplifies the process. Convenience and efficiency are...
  9. Maia

    Draxen is trying to gaslight you, no updates have been released. He did in fact break the server.

    Draxen is trying to gaslight you, no updates have been released. He did in fact break the server.
  10. Maia

    Will mystery boxes become available to buy again?

    There have been 4 dates this year "2024-12-08", "2024-12-13", "2024-12-19", "2024-12-24" There won't be anymore in 2024.
  11. Maia

    You applied? Portugal on top!

    You applied? Portugal on top!
  12. Maia

    Alot off TFU

  13. Maia

    Map Suggestion Allow guns to be withdrawn at market stalls

    This is in place so players do not use the market stalls as convenient storage points due to their proximity to the spawn point, police department, and slums This will not be changed in V5 and I cannot tell you if V6 will have market stalls or not or @ΙεΙίος1 and @peeps would kill me
  14. Maia

    Police Suggestion Revert the TFU change

    Nothing constructive here, as it was already said, we heard your feedback and changes are in the works, be patient.
  15. Maia

    Ban Apology (maia)

    I am 1,000,500$ richer!
  16. Maia

    Ban Apology (maia)

    You owe me 1,000,000$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Maia

    Police Suggestion Reduce TFOs movement speed in heavy

    As people mentioned, Heavy TFU already has a 10% debuff on speed. Also, in case you missed it, some changes are coming to the update that was realeased the 1st of december in regards to TFU, just be patient
  18. Maia

    Spotify Wrapped 2024

    Omg, you will never guess
  19. Maia

    Spotify Wrapped 2024

  20. Maia

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    @Bolli @Fredy you're being called out!
  21. Maia

    Server Suggestion Better TV

    Youtube algorithm does the job moderators would have to otherwise, they work hard enough already (kinda).
  22. Maia

    Need to do this!

    Need to do this!
  23. Maia

    Server Suggestion Allow for medical items to be used while in a car

    1. People already use cars as impenetrable shields during shootouts and we don't want to encourage that behviour. 2. TFOs would be able to just jump into the SWAT van everytime they bleed in order to heal up 3. Driving while healing is extremely unrealistic
  24. Maia

    How long was your longest ban

    never been banned or warned, I am an example to this community!!! (You really think I would delete my bans?!?!?)
  25. Maia

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    Sorry that happened
  26. Maia

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    I am happy for you
  27. Maia

    Server Suggestion Police Broadcast improvements

    We're definitely not doing TTS, with that in mind I would like to hear other ideas