Search results

  1. Augustas

    [PH] HomerWithTopHat Enforcer Application.

    Friendly person, deserves to be Enforcer. Will help when needed, a person that knows the rules, respects them. +SUPPORT
  2. Augustas


    Our community is very friendly, specially the Admins. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  3. Augustas


  4. Augustas

    The Paralake Army - Information and Applications

    -=OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION=- Steam Name: augis41 (Augustas) Age: 13 -=IN-CHARACTER INFORMATION=- Name: Augustas Smith Age:27 Ethnicity: White Lithuanian Firearms Level: 3-4 Why I'm a worthy candidate: I am following each order, i know how to use guns, im pretty good at aiming. I need money...
  5. Augustas


    Baii :(
  6. Augustas


    Thank you. There is a problem with my cdrom now. It doesn't allow me to reinstall windows. For fk sake these problems.
  7. Augustas


    Thank you for advices.
  8. Augustas


    That is weird m8. Like 1 month ago, everything was fine Only Anti-virus, Steam and Drivers running. Nothing else. Anyone? Alright. Ty
  9. Augustas


    I have 4 gb ram, 20 gb On C Disk, and 125 gb on D DIsk , ON D DISK I keep my steam and more stuff.
  10. Augustas


    Im not sure, if im typing in correct topic, but if anyone knows, when im loading into server, the map downloading shows, and the game crashes.(MEMORY EROR) May anyone help? Tried reinstalling gmod, even reinstalled windows. Anyone help? :(
  11. Augustas

    Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Augustas, Augustas Smith His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Don't remember now names, but in the demo you will see the names His/Her SteamID: Don't remember now names, but in the demo you will see the names. Reason: Roadcrew Driver was road blocking, i tried to go past the...