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  1. Mooney

    some boy happy birthday

    some boy happy birthday
  2. Mooney

    Netherlands Vs England Prediction give away 100K

    2-1 england watkins winner cole palmer assist
  3. Mooney


  4. Mooney


  5. Mooney


  6. Mooney

    Update Log - 19/05/2020

    Great stuff, love it
  7. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @DANIEL_ No worries mate, please don't hang around a shootout in which your org are in next time as i'm sure we both don't want this confusion to arise again.
  8. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    Also, logs will show I didn't kill you fella :)
  9. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    RDM where? We were aware you're a a part of their org - could you share the footage of about 30 seconds previous to that clip please Daniel, I just want to check something.
  10. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @DANIEL_ Common knowledge - if we let you free without gunpointing you or killing you, you're just gonna run back to them and tell them everything which is just putting ourselves at further risk? I may of fired a couple of bullets as a quick reaction after you sped out of the garage, could you...
  11. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @DANIEL_ So you was leaving a shootout in which your org were battling in against us and we're supposed to let you escape alive / not gunpointed so you can either tell the police or feed it back to other org members.. okay mate - i'll let the decision be made by staff.
  12. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    Also, you're a part of the org in which we was having a gunfight with - are we supposed to spare your life as you drive away from the scene?
  13. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

  14. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    Just rewatched the clip and when your car was wrecked and you died, you wasn't even in my line of sight? Either way, once shots had commenced i'd advise you to again leave the area immediately instead of continuing with your car repair to avoid anything like this again:)
  15. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @DANIEL_ I was informed by my org and therefore took no risks going forward, especially by your previous movements before you reached the repairman, tensions had already heated up and you continued to drive through the scene - a bit of advice for the future, do not continue to get your car...
  16. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    I was informed the black Tesla was a part of the situation and you'd moved quite strange beforehand around the scene - i'll refund anything you lost i'm guessing this is what you made the AR for?
  17. Mooney

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    Can't remember, didn't shoot your car for no reason must of been fed back via the org as one of the cars we was after. Did you lose anything from this incident? - Also the shootout had already started, you continued to get your car repaired baring this in mind - was assuming you'd flee straight...
  18. Mooney

    Game playback

    Shadowplay is very good, easy user interface etc - would recommend so.
  19. Mooney

    The Belotti Syndicate - Applications

    ________________________________________________________________________ Ingame Name: Steam Name: Past Organisations: Are you looking for a serious organisation? IG Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mingeposts will be...
  20. Mooney

    The Belotti Syndicate

    Who are we? The Belotti Syndicate, a 'legal' enterprise originating from Italy in the early 1900's, recently being handed over to Travis Rodriguez by his late father, Roman Rodriguez. Due to growing tensions with the polizia in Italy, Travis has taken residence in Paralake, where he seeks to...
  21. Mooney

    Top Boy

    Dave is incredible in it, as is Little Simz - Kano obviously too
  22. Mooney

    Top Boy

    I suggest everyone watches Top Boy on Netflix, if you haven't watch the first series, Top Boy Summerhouse, do so. Next one is just "Top Boy" newly released on Netflix, backed by Drake - honestly the best series i've watched, every episode just blows your mind. If anyone's already watched it...
  23. Mooney

    Chemical Table Update Log - 22/02/2019

    Great update! Was wondering what this was going to be, I bet @Ayjay did fuck all. Spent his time playing Apex.
  24. Mooney

    Forum name change

    Or @Bolli
  25. Mooney

    Log in to server everything is errors

    Make sure you place your CSS files in the correct folder, if you don't have CSS content - see here
  26. Mooney

    When Ping Wing gets in gunfights

    This is beautiful
  27. Mooney

    RDM Gang AR - I want my 5 mins back

    Was in-game to witness Cobra being insanely toxic in OOC and also witnessed him just being an all-round minge in-game