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  1. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

  2. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

  3. Tilin

    Refund Request (Bob Bobbison)

    Items that were taken from you in the incident: - 1x Smartphone - 1x Pistol Ammo - 8x 11.43x23mm Magazine (HK45 CT) - 15x Bandage - 1x Zip Ties - 6x Soda - 1x Hamburger - 2x Wrench and $765 Logs
  4. Tilin

    Medal recording problem

    Do you have session recording enabled or are you simply recording your screen? Also with an update, they by default disabled the option to stop recording by long pressing the bookmark button. So you have to reenable that in that case.
  5. Tilin

    I need actors

    Thank you for coming back to us so quickly.
  6. Tilin

    I didn't take that sexual harassment seminar for nothing!

    I didn't take that sexual harassment seminar for nothing!
  7. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (captain)

    For disputes you are required to provide evidence. You're in luck though as when you're on the server, there's a demo system always recording. Read more about it here: It should be this demo: perpheads_demo_2025-2-26 13-46-56.dem, near the end.
  8. Tilin

    What got you so succesfull?

    Being a major pain in the ass
  9. Tilin

    Action Request (Salad)

    @Salad_Salad will be given a warning for 1.1
  10. Tilin

    Action Request (batmann000025)

    Ope Winsten (batmann000025) will receive a 1-week ban for 5.6 - Kidnapping @Hakubai will receive a warning for assisting with the rule break.
  11. Tilin

    Refund Request (Juhl)

    Items to refund: - AK-74U - AK-74U Stock - 5.45x39mm Magazine (AK-74U) Weapon ID: 183267809
  12. Tilin

    Action Request (batmann000025)

    Opie will be contacted over Steam, as they're forum banned. @Hakubai Can you explain why you assisted them to take @Bob Bobbison out of a public area into a property to mug and raid them?
  13. Tilin

    Action Request (WeicheDecke77)

    Your speed at the time of the crash was 100MPH. Whilst the medic could've been more careful and not have taken such a large turn, both of you were at fault for the crash. Accidents happen, it's a roleplay gamemode.
  14. Tilin

    Action Request (Salad)

    @Salad_Salad do you wish to add anything to this?
  15. Tilin

    Ban Apology (tillin)

    I'll lower the ban to 1-week. Please be more careful and if you don't understand the rules, please ask.
  16. Tilin

    @Tyla Jai's maternal guardian.

    @Tyla Jai's maternal guardian.
  17. Tilin


    @Bnjemann New player crashout no. 4 this week?
  18. Tilin

    Chop Shop Cooldown

    Also forgetting the fact that Police are already overwhelmed and allowing people to farm it more, even though there's often 2x Chop Shop missions as once, I'd argue increasing, not decreasing the timer. It's easy money for a bit of fun .
  19. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

    You essentially randomly started shooting at cops and when you were cornered into a space where you couldn't continue to run, you disconnected.
  20. Tilin

    Refund Request (E-kitten4Grandpas)

    Items to refund: - FN SCAR-L - FN SCAR-L Stock - 5.56x45mm STANAG Magazine x30 - Red Dot Sight - Rifle compensator Weapon ID: 185464026
  21. Tilin

    Refund Request (pain)

    Items to refund: - FN SCAR-L - 5.56x45mm STANAG Magazine x30 - Red Dot Sight - Rifle compensator Weapon ID: 179547129
  22. Tilin

    Refund Request (CI6)

    Items to refund: - AK-101 - 5.56x45mm Magazine (AK-101) Weapon ID: 185669333
  23. Tilin

    Ban Apology (@Tilin)

    Please read through the rules and use the help & support option of the report menu to ask for questions, if something isn't clear.
  24. Tilin

    Rule Clarification: 3.11

    The "phrase" placing means it's being placed. Otherwise it would be called "dropping"
  25. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Medic Wound Check Fix

    It's also unrealistic how the DNA toolgun reveals the exact name and weapon used. But since we do not have ways to properly investigate situations, nor the time to do so, we have to make sacrifices of realism for gameplay.
  26. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (Admin Meeting)

    Reviewed with @Ellie, @Ezza, @torbizzle, @HuskyD0G
  27. Tilin

    Modify 10.3 Inappropriate use of Emergency Services

    10.3 is when you make a phone call like "Hello is this where I order pizza" You can easily arrest someone for 6.10 - Obstruction of Emergency Services if they actually cause units to respond or prevent other calls from coming through as a result of continous calling. Combine the two and you...
  28. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Give TFU Lockpicks

    I think everybody has already stated why this wouldn't be a good thing. We have to announce ourselves when we breach either way. So I don't see a point in having any stealthy equipment. Additionally in terms of balancing, it's pretty fair that cops have some level of loudness to them.
  29. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Stop creating appeals when you have multiple already submitted. Be patient and wait. If you wish to make a change, use the edit button.
  30. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (Moon)

    Are you sure you didn't say and I quote: "lopetat ton vitun nekrujutun oikeest. Sä oot niin tumma johonen, että vittu... "