Search results

  1. VoidUprising

    Double Jepoardy

    Your Steam/In-game Name: VoidUprising His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Joe Dixon His/Her SteamID: Unknown, see this thread Why Should This Player Be Punished: He ran away from gunpoint. In fact, I chased him while still having him at gunpoint. This breaks 3.4. This is the second time he's broken it...
  2. VoidUprising

    AR on Joe Dixon

    Your Steam/In-game Name: VoidUprising His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Joe Dixon His/Her SteamID: Unknown. I asked over OOC what his name was, but he didn't respond. Why Should This Player Be Punished: He gunned down 3 officers that were no threat over a friend's handgun, which is clearly breaking...
  3. VoidUprising

    Bat Into Hell

    Your in-game name: Jack Blane, Aayon Salahuddin, Tony Laung Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:93585893 What do you need refunded: Me - USP 40, USP 40 Mag, 1/3 of 140,000 (46,666.66) Aayon Salahuddin - SCAR w/ various attachments (post them, Patch), 1/3 of 140,000 (46,666.66), some shotgun i cant identify...
  4. VoidUprising

    Bat out of Hell

    Your Steam/In-game Name: VoidUprising, Jack Blane His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Nutrient10, Alex Mills His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:63141227 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4. He ran in with a BAT into a room of armed men. This caused us to shoot each other, resulting in failure of the bank...
  5. VoidUprising

    PLPD account disabled

    I suppose it was disabled for inactivity, but I kind of want it back since I intend on trying to get back into it. Name is "VoidUprising", just like my name here.
  6. VoidUprising

    Everytime I join I crash

    Read above. As soon as I get in, I see a flash of the server and it crashes.
  7. VoidUprising

    The Clancy Survives Theory

    This is something created by me on the Resident Evil Subreddit
  8. VoidUprising

    Exposing </Henry>:

    The video did not process, but he's here. This is how to own someone at Probationary :) Check out my Youtube as well!
  9. VoidUprising

    VoidUprising, or Jack Blane

    Hello, my name is VoidUprising- or Jack Blane in game. I came to this server from a gamemode called HL2RP, and after playing the server Hellzone, I believe this server is far less Pay 2 Do Anything in comparison. I wish the best of my interactions with this server, and hope you wish me the same.