Search results

  1. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Hahahaha minge

    Hahahaha minge
  2. BeepBeepImAJeep

    ''Welcome to Perpheads'' glitch

    Fixed the issue somehow?
  3. BeepBeepImAJeep

    ''Welcome to Perpheads'' glitch

    Alright i was not informed about that 2 years ago LMAO , my in game name is Tom Lennon
  4. BeepBeepImAJeep

    ''Welcome to Perpheads'' glitch

    What the fuck is happening lmao
  5. BeepBeepImAJeep

    ''Welcome to Perpheads'' glitch

    Youre just taking the piss.
  6. BeepBeepImAJeep

    ''Welcome to Perpheads'' glitch

    Is this a serious question? lmao i cannot even get into the game
  7. BeepBeepImAJeep

    ''Welcome to Perpheads'' glitch

    Hey everyone , recently ive ran into a problem i cannot manage to get rid of , everytime i join the server i get this screen Even after waiting for minutes , it doesnt dissapear ive tried the following things: Uninstalling all addons besides perpheads addons Reinstalling gmod Factory...
  8. BeepBeepImAJeep

    The Corleone Mafia - Applications OPEN

    Ingame name: Angelo-Guiseppe Galante Steam Name: BeepBeepImAJeep Steam ID: Total playtime: 1 month and 25 days Are you a VIP: Yes List of all cars owned: Porsche 997 GT What can you craft: Im firearms level 117 , so anything up to that. When are you mostly online: Well i work from 9/5 gmt+1...
  9. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Investing money

    Alright lets add the risk of losing money then , stock price goes down when the sales of one of the businesses decrease , for example your stock goes down 1% if people have not bought over 25k worth in 3 hours or something
  10. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Investing money

    Description of the idea: You speak to the manager in the bank office , Make it so that there's multiple businesses to invest into , could even be in game businesses (Fredy's , uncle co's , car dealer etc) . The more you invest , the more interest you get in return. You get a percentage of profit...
  11. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Ban Apology

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Collier How long were you banned for: 3 months Your Steam Name: BeepBeepImAJeep Your In-game Name: Giovanni-Guiseppe Galante Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101463543 Why were you banned/blacklisted: Trying to sell ingame funds...
  12. BeepBeepImAJeep

    I am solly :(

    Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Collier How long were you banned for: 3 months Your Steam Name: BeepBeepImAJeep Your In-game Name: Angelo-Guisseppe Galante Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101463543 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 2.4 , i tried...
  13. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Paralake Ballas applications

    Are you ingame? Then ill get on so you can invite me
  14. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Something outside of perp

    Bruhh ive been boxing since young , when i decided i wanted to play matches my trainer told me i had to train about 6 months more before i was even allowed to play one , im experienced. So you're taking the piss 100%
  15. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Paralake Ballas applications

    IC Name: Angelo-Guisseppe Galante What cars do you have?: Porsche 997 GT3 How many guns and cash do you have?: More than enough guns , not going to count them, i got about 500k in the bank How good are you at shooting (1-10)?: I would rate myself a 6/7 Why do you want to join us?: Because...
  16. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Bye foxs

    Bye b :(
  17. BeepBeepImAJeep


    Actively recruiting new members again! Please fill in your application down below!
  18. BeepBeepImAJeep


  19. BeepBeepImAJeep


    Now Recruiting for new members! 3 slots available
  20. BeepBeepImAJeep


    Contact me via 289-4288 if you would like to talk business! -Tom Lennon The Amsterdam Cartel
  21. BeepBeepImAJeep


    We are now actively looking for Alliances If interested in becoming an alliance of The Amsterdam Cartel please message us!
  22. BeepBeepImAJeep


    Accepted , Contact Tom Lennon or Scarlett Corleone ingame for your invite!
  23. BeepBeepImAJeep


  24. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Official goodbye lel

    You must have a pretty god damn good phone then , which one is it?
  25. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Official goodbye lel

    By the way i made this post cuz people are like nearly crying over them quitting perp ''I WILL MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH , WEEWEEEWEEEE'' basically they act like they are spending their last 5 minutes on planet earth
  26. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Official goodbye lel

    umg , yeah i cry myself to sleep every night cuz im bad at perp , by the way i work for my dad's company full time , i make more than your dad driving a 2012 opel corsa lmao
  27. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Official goodbye lel

    Im just being a troll on the forums to piss people off , you're still a virgin and dont even know what a girlfriend is cuz you play perp all day lmao
  28. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Official goodbye lel

    Oi perpcuntssss , im quittin gaming forever cuz i actually got a life now so cya , i aint gonna cry like OHHH I WILL MISS U REEEE , yet i had some fun on here lol. I got a job , a girlfriend , and im way too busy with school aint got no time to waste on a stupid ass game that gives me no...
  29. BeepBeepImAJeep

    Goodbye, PERP is not dying

    Lmao these goodbye posts are like youre dieing , I WILL MISS YOU WEEEHEEEEWHEEEE , its a fuckin game pussies but aye , good luck on ur studies garret
  30. BeepBeepImAJeep

    GIVEAWAY - 200k
