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  1. Mr. GentL

    Action Request (idk)

    It was dark as shit in my screen and i didn't see he had a gun, but if he coulda RPed his way out i would've had zero issues but he just turned a 360 and pulled his gun out and pointed it so i shot him because i got stressed. Im sorry i didn't notice your gun but we coulda sorted that out man ;(
  2. Mr. GentL


    De klart man ska fira med snus
  3. Mr. GentL

    -The Royals Reloaded- Now Hiring

    -Application Template- Steam name - Gagon Steam profile link - Ingame name - Ling Chew. TIme played - 3 Weeks. VIP? - Why wouldn't I be VIP? How much do you play in a week - Every day of the week, whenever there is time. Why do you want...
  4. Mr. GentL

    @Niko - Fuji Ban Appeal

    Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist Appeal type: Apology / Appeal Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) How long were you banned for: 2 Days. Your Steam Name: Fuji Your In-game Name: Fujiwara Suzuki Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:432069125 Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) 2.5, 3.25...
  5. Mr. GentL

    Not really a goodbye

    bye mandem
  6. Mr. GentL

    gg wp.

    gg wp.
  7. Mr. GentL

    I think its the opposite but ok.

    I think its the opposite but ok.
  8. Mr. GentL

    I'm flattered that you commented on my profile after I haven't played for a while, miss me?

    I'm flattered that you commented on my profile after I haven't played for a while, miss me?
  9. Mr. GentL

    Life, my friend.

    Life, my friend.
  10. Mr. GentL


    @Sorle ur like 12
  11. Mr. GentL


    You a clown for posting this.
  12. Mr. GentL


    "i can easily 1 tap" headass
  13. Mr. GentL


    Meew ling chew wilz eatz yu dogz
  14. Mr. GentL


    You stole my family name
  15. Mr. GentL


    Cya man
  16. Mr. GentL

    RR Ling

  17. Mr. GentL

    SERVER EVENTS - 05/10/2019

    Thanks, better than nothing.
  18. Mr. GentL

    Mazda MX-5 Club applications

    Sounds like a decent org for me
  19. Mr. GentL

    AR on George Quin

    I lost a full batch of coke due to this it was on 95% and respawn timer is 5 min so it died out, and MP5k with a mag.
  20. Mr. GentL

    RR - Ling

    Your in-game name: Ling Chew Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:432069125 What do you need refunded: Sig Saeur with Suppressor and about 10 bullets in mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was freeing my friend when a guy decided to take justice into his own hands and shoot me which resulted in me...
  21. Mr. GentL

    RR - ling

    Your in-game name: Ling Chew Steam ID: What do you need refunded: Sig Saeur with Suppressor and about 10 bullets in mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was freeing my friend when a guy decided to take justice into his own hands and shoot me which resulted in me dying. Evidence...
  22. Mr. GentL

    RR For Bugatti (wreck)

    Your in-game name: Ling Chew Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:432069125 What do you need refunded: 30k, Wreck of Bugatti Why do you want your item(s) refunded: 30k since I ended up paying for the wreck out of generosity since I stole the car Evidence: - @Dom_
  23. Mr. GentL

    Knew it, rip cheater

    Knew it, rip cheater
  24. Mr. GentL

    Montage 2

    Yikes, nice.
  25. Mr. GentL

    AR on Kevin Blackwell (Boytoy)

    Agreed, we were probably under pressure at the time and didn't have time to think over it.
  26. Mr. GentL

    AR on Kevin Blackwell (Boytoy)

    How would we know when he was going to come back, even if we told him to up his hands he wouldn't have responded... So we would have killed him either way. He isn't unarmed unless he has no weapons, he can pose a threat to us at any time.
  27. Mr. GentL

    AR on Kevin Blackwell (Boytoy)

    Alright, we were outside and stepped quite abit and lockpicked so you should have heard us. I know you meta alot anyways since your friends came and kidnapped me and claimed that there was a withness while i never left the lot since i had my friend pick me up. We lockpicked so id figured you...
  28. Mr. GentL

    The GREAT Perpheads giveaway

    IG - "Ling Chew" My Phone Number - "493-3263" Good luck!