Search results

  1. SlingShot

    Server Suggestion Actual Crafting Queue

    as max level crafter i know the suffering, but its to prevent people from just AFK crafting for hours. if people don't want to bother with the process they can just buy from others. making it easier will make the prices go lower since alot more people will craft themself, and the server got...
  2. SlingShot

    Update Log 21/02/2023

    you are 105% right. sounds fun
  3. SlingShot

    Update Log 21/02/2023

    what about females with mustaches? you cant limit me to your standarts
  4. SlingShot

    Mayor - taxes and law 4.4

    this sounds very good. maybe the high police ranks can take an action to call for the questioning of the mayor. to make it more realistic you can take it as the mayor taking the money into his pocket. he could be fined and maybe jailed
  5. SlingShot

    Paralake V6

    right with GTA 6
  6. SlingShot

    Map Suggestion Smoothing the walls in the highway

    Suggestion Title: Smoothing the walls in the highway Suggestion Description: To smooth the highway walls for inexperienced and/or high-ping players. As a high-ping player myself, those places bother me every time. You can either crash it or when you try to avoid it you drive not 100% at your...
  7. SlingShot

    Server Suggestion Adding Ally to the doors

    people raid very easily on the server. i don't think the server should help them identify if its owned by an ally. if you don't check before you raid mindlessly without getting info first it's on you. and the server should not give you the info as a gift.
  8. SlingShot

    5 Million Giveaway gl everyone
  9. SlingShot

    Build weapon shops!

    creating a gun shop is my favorite thing to do at the server. (really not into drugs and raids) definitely will back to do it after this semester. so many things waiting to get crafted in my inv.
  10. SlingShot

    Server Suggestion Spawn Locations

    what about that when you die you spawn inside the hospital. even more logical.
  11. SlingShot

    Paralake v5 Detailed Map

    just wanted to contribute a little. thank you
  12. SlingShot

    Paralake v5 Detailed Map

    fixed. thank you
  13. SlingShot

    Paralake v5 Detailed Map

    i wanted it to be big and in the middle so when you look around zoomed in it's easier to get to it.
  14. SlingShot

    Paralake v5 Detailed Map

    Hi, I made a detailed map for the new and shiny v5. i know 90% of you don't need it, but as i started playing a map really helped me starting, so i hope it will help new players too. I shrank the map for a more useful size. I intentionally didn't marked the drug dealer spots because in my...
  15. SlingShot

    $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

    didnt played for a while. really want to go back when i got time. can help my shop setup :)
  16. SlingShot

    Can't Join The Server

    home network. i have 1 main router that split by cable to 2 small ones that one of them connected with cable to my pc
  17. SlingShot

    Can't Join The Server

    @Jimmy Jackson i didn't saw any block because i can join other servers. but if it can be a problem anyway ill need some help with it
  18. SlingShot

    Server Suggestion Minimum order price at the delivery app + bonuses

    i think 1k is a reasonable and realistic order minimum if you want the save the afford of driving and get it yourself. and lets be honest most of the people that use it do it because they want to stay at their base and protect it. so 1k minimum order should not be high for them. and i don't...
  19. SlingShot

    Server Suggestion Minimum order price at the delivery app + bonuses

    Description of the idea: When a courier is on duty people won't be able to order things under a certain price (like 1K) Why should this be added? (pros): As a courier, you can have small order from a player to the other side of the map and get paid 50$ or less for it. it feels very pointless to...
  20. SlingShot

    Can't Join The Server

    i deleted everything (there was just your content). and downloaded just the new packs from the workshop. still not working. what the hell?! i have chromium btw but it all worked before the story at the main comment Maybe there is some kind of blacklist or a auto block at the server that i got...
  21. SlingShot

    Can't Join The Server
  22. SlingShot

    Can't Join The Server

    yes i tried didn't helped
  23. SlingShot

    Can't Join The Server

    @Samuel As i saw i didn't had the launch option that writes the console to that file. so i just wrote it and tried to connect to the server. so i dont have the info from my disconnects... sry: Attempting to load Chromium... Adding Filesystem Addon...
  24. SlingShot

    Can't Join The Server

    hi, I played today, and i saw a connection problem at the top right of my screen and the server crashed. (people said after that it crashed for them too) i joined back and twice i had internet problems and kicked out. i joined the 3rd time and after 2 min i had a connection problem again and...
  25. SlingShot

    want to stay at evocity

    stay in evoooo