Search results

  1. ExcelentAxelent

    PLPD Online Suggestion Add an option to deal with car bombs

    I'd say easiest way to implement this would be to : 1. A small wire cutting minigame anywhere from 3-5 wires and the TFU needs to cut the correct one (maybe create a manual for this with wire types stripes on wires etc) where there is 2 outcomes. If Cut successfully then : 2. Car bomb becomes...
  2. ExcelentAxelent

    Chop Shop Cooldown

    Honestly I'd just hope for it to be reduced so cops have actual more chases to do. Now most people don't bother with it.
  3. ExcelentAxelent

    Chop Shop Cooldown

    I can somewhat agree with this however, It will classify the first spawn as a failure, reason for this other wise players could just hit the "find another car" option until they get the best spawn somewhere in bazaar, subs, casino or wherever they prefer and there is no actually risk/chance...
  4. ExcelentAxelent

    Server Suggestion Realistic Flashlights

    Reason I downvoted is for the following reason(s) - Quality of Life would go down for the players / cops having to use actual flashlights. - Devs need to make weapon attachments for cops for flashlights. - Devs need to make the model. Overall in this case even though its serious roleplay there...
  5. ExcelentAxelent

    PERPHeads Secret Santa 2024

    Yeah, You were an "All of the above" individual ;):laughcry: --This is a joke for obvious reasons
  6. ExcelentAxelent

    Happy Birthday :)

    Happy Birthday :)
  7. ExcelentAxelent

    Christmas Giveaway

    We currently have 69 people in the giveaway, This number is very special :)
  8. ExcelentAxelent

    Police Suggestion Dispatch Incident Functions

    This would work great too, have them disappear completely however wouldn't work when trying to guide an EMS to the location of the officer.
  9. ExcelentAxelent

    Police Suggestion Dispatch Incident Functions

    Suggestion Title: Dispatch Incident Functions Suggestion Description: To add a white "x" cross through a unit if they are dead as seen on example image. To allow Dispatch to right click an incident and select a set color for the incident which would then also change the circle around the unit...
  10. ExcelentAxelent

    Police Suggestion Dispatch functionality overhaul.

    So I am not completely crazy, I thought I was gaslighting myself thinking this used to be a thing. +1 just for this already, great suggestions
  11. ExcelentAxelent

    Christmas Giveaway

    Dw, I missed all my shots
  12. ExcelentAxelent

    Christmas Giveaway

    Hello everyone, As Christmas is coming around the corner I thought it be a nice a thing to giveaway a couple of things. There will be a total of 8 things being given away : 2x AS50's (1 Person gets 2 AS50's) 15x Premium Tokens (5 people get 3 tokens each) 200k (2x 100k) Christmas day (25th)...
  13. ExcelentAxelent

    Bug Report (Barrier Menu Bug)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Barrier Menu Bug How to reproduce the Bug: Be in the selecting menu and get ragdolled/ran over Time Stamp: At the start I guess? Errors: Didn't really look, might be in the clip. Media...
  14. ExcelentAxelent

    Model Suggestion Make Rifle Flashlight Pistol Flashlight useful Functional

    Tarkov Flashlights are broken tbh, I do agree that if implemented they should function like this to where if you aim below/towards the flashlight model (on the gun) it should "Full flare" but when you are aiming above the flashlight (scoped in) it should not give any flare as you are not having...
  15. ExcelentAxelent

    Server Suggestion Heroin and Morphine Production

    Looks like Bnje over here already found the secret stash, cause this comment made no sense and he seems to be hallucinating from taking too much heroin/morphine. Aside from that I do think morphine would be a great addition to Perp with some benefits like more stamina etc.
  16. ExcelentAxelent

    Shooting cops on hard difficulty chop shop?

    Yes/No, I see the point you're bringing up but if anything changing the wording of rule 3.4 from "Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at." To change it to something...
  17. ExcelentAxelent

    Police Suggestion New TFU Grenade(s) + Launcher

    Hopefully less deaths of civilians and more people to prosecute
  18. ExcelentAxelent

    Police Suggestion New TFU Grenade(s) + Launcher

    Yes, but this will in 9 out of 10 cases result in a lot of deaths (10-45D) as due to the adrenaline the officer kept shooting past the stage where the suspect was already down. I don't blame TFO for this will allow for less lethal force to be used.
  19. ExcelentAxelent

    Police Suggestion New TFU Grenade(s) + Launcher

    Suggestion Title: New TFU Grenade(s) + Launcher Suggestion Description: Looking through the suggestions the one from Tyla Jay came closest but mine is a bit differently implemented. ( My idea : To give TFU some new equipment helping...
  20. ExcelentAxelent

    I messed up.

    By reading all this we should hold a community vote to see if people really cared, I know we don't have anything to say and you did break staff policy but if the people in the situation didnt care too much a warning would've been sufficient. It seems like you got 95% of the people from the...
  21. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Luciano Valachi)

    Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent Your Roleplay Name: Axel Ent Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669 Player's Steam Name: Valurim Player's Roleplay Name: Luciano Valachi Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154568770 Why should this player be punished?: Name : Luciano Valachi What Happened : He raided a...
  22. ExcelentAxelent

    Server Suggestion vehicle turning radius controls

    Mouse wheel click + scrolling is already being used for speed limiter Maybe it can be done that if the mouse wheel is held down for a prolonged period it might switch between the 2 settings of controlling the steering / controlling the speed limiter
  23. ExcelentAxelent

    Police Suggestion Going On Duty Locked While Bank Heist Active

    Another way to solve this specific issue is to have the calculation for the money you should be receiving to be generated when the vault door opens instead of at the start of the bank raid. The possible con to this could be that when the players hear the alarm to then go off duty to reduce the...
  24. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Apology (3izu & Collier)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @3izu & Collier How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent Your Roleplay Name: Axel Keegan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669...
  25. ExcelentAxelent

    Refund Request (ExcelentAxelent)

    Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent Your Roleplay Name: Axel Keegan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669 Reason for Request: Lost weapons & items due to taxi driver breaking 3.4 Requested Items: 118x Marijuana 1x Sako M92S w/ full magazine , stock & reflex sight 1x Beretta M9 w/ full magazine...
  26. ExcelentAxelent

    Refund Request (ExcelentAxelent)

    Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent Your Roleplay Name: Axel Keegan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669 Reason for Request: Lost my Christmas gift due to someone minging / accepted AR Requested Items: 1x Christmas Gift Prop Evidence Type: Action Request Evidence Link...
  27. ExcelentAxelent

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    I think one of the things they meant is when the PLPD started shooting people who broke 3.4 and ran away and IA's made about those situations ended up nowhere because the situation wouldnt have happened if the person just put up their hands and complied, Instead of having the officers warned...
  28. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (No Clue)

    Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent Your Roleplay Name: Axel Keegan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669 Player's Steam Name: No Clue Player's Roleplay Name: Aaron Bagshaw Player's SteamID: No Clue Why should this player be punished?: Minge-ing, Destroying props on purpose. Items lost due...