Search results

  1. TheGandalf

    Smell mechanic for Police (seriously) lmao

    This adds an interesting bit of drug stuff and actively encourages others to raid, though it also encourages people to not do anything during this "debuff". It's effectively an automatic invitation to raids, and imo this should even extend to normal players in some sort of way. This can send a...
  2. TheGandalf

    Server Suggestion Racial slur filter in character.

    Remember, the purpose of this filter shouldn't be to allow people to be racists. (Microphone is still an option) I actually suggest blocking any messages sent through any in-game channel completely if it contains a filtered word. And with the new 1.2 rules in place, it shouldn't be optional.
  3. TheGandalf

    Server Suggestion Racial slur filter in character.

    Really? -4 votes for a feature that's not only piss easy to implement but also actively prevents people from break a server rule automatically? I've lost faith in this sub forum, and if player votes mean anything for new features then we should never, ever, suggest anything. I know I won't...
  4. TheGandalf

    Need a tech wiz

    This is either a power supply feed issue, or your GPU is running too hot. It's more probable that your GPU is running too hot, especially if you made some modifications to fan speeds or cooling or any overclocking, but it's possible with older computers that didn't expect to run software in this...
  5. TheGandalf

    4.4 Roadcrew

    Maybe parking brakes should be better in general. Or people should be more aware of a car wreck that happened in their own parking lot. Traffic cones and other props are an amazing indicator of a vehicle that's wrecked or bumped into. Which the rc is even more promoted to take care of cars in...
  6. TheGandalf

    Footstep sounds should be based on player movement state, not movement speed. (Silent steps while aiming down sights)

    Yep. Effectively the main reason why I make this suggestion. Again, fine point. But a proper development workflow can still put priority and "good" suggestions can still be filled. I rather not every suggestion be subjected to "It's not worth the effort" unless it's grossly out of scope. And...
  7. TheGandalf

    Footstep sounds should be based on player movement state, not movement speed. (Silent steps while aiming down sights)

    This statement is a slight oxymoron, but a valid point either way. Still, a primary part of this server is about the shooting and the "gang violence" in general. The quality of the actual shooting, and every part of it, should be accounted for. Yes. You can also sneak by simply aiming down...
  8. TheGandalf

    Footstep sounds should be based on player movement state, not movement speed. (Silent steps while aiming down sights)

    Description of the idea: Sound is an important aspect in this gamemode, especially when attracting attention with guns. However, player footsteps are potentially not managed well (or at all) by the gamemode at all and are almost completely dependent by movement speed. This makes footsteps...