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  1. Nasul

    Server Suggestion Sound when you get out of car with handbrake on.

    Sounds good i would like to add a Sound for Open door when enter and Close door sound when leaving the car.
  2. Nasul

    rethink about the swat shield

    Even as a Sergant none listen to you. IA or Suspent wont help. Sounds easy but its not that case and it will not work that way because you need to train all and stay with you team but u always have random people to play with. even if you actively corrdinate, it wont do anything cus you get 1 tap...
  3. Nasul

    rethink about the swat shield

    Because of so many shotoouts and PLPD lose even with 16 officer on duty, i would just only to rethink using SWAT Shield. There is to much shootout and no RP, its not even possible to do a OR or a normal patrol without a raid or beeing killed. A SWAT Shield would help to make it a bit balance. i...
  4. Nasul

    Projex Hostage Rescure

  5. Nasul

    TFU Raid Office with 0 Police casualties

    Video here:
  6. Nasul

    TFU Montage

    what is banging music? I dont realy most like musik in RP videos, more or less
  7. Nasul

    TFU Montage

    Hello enjoy my first video!
  8. Nasul

    PERPHeads Official PLPD Trailer 2021

    Very good trailer! next video normal patrol would be nice
  9. Nasul

    Server Suggestion Option to make people louder

    Description of the idea: Most of the time you cant hear people, i always have to do it via console command. Add an option to F1 > Options to make people louder instand of typing in console snd_restart and max_voicegain. make it default by mybe 6. People dont even know how to do that and its...
  10. Nasul

    Fix nades

    haha. because i survived that somehow didnt mean its broken. Nades kill normaly all inside. Why do cry all for fix every time i do something?
  11. Nasul

    Getting rid of rule 3.4 Putting your life in danger

    The problem what i got is, people always ignore gun point when u a officer, i dont even want to report all of them even if i died of it. When you a officer and getting gunpointed out of the car you always get shot and die.It should be changed by first shot at the person inside the car then tell...
  12. Nasul

    Police Suggestion Give Dispatcher more function / Rework Dispatch

    Dispatch makes fun and is still usefull. What Disptach need: -Radio Channel Dispatcher can switch radio channel to Unit.Radio Channel All Unit - Radio Channel Alpha 1 or Radio Channel Inccident #123 ... -More or moveable Camera -mybe Bodycam to see whats going on at raids -Add warrant if only...
  13. Nasul

    Update Log - 08/04/2020

    I just got disptacher and now you make it USELESS JOB?
  14. Nasul


  15. Nasul

    Shrekage #8

    not bad but ill still shot you all!
  16. Nasul

    Jesus Chroist (The better one)

    congrats you killed peter wolf you won 50k!
  17. Nasul

    Your Career Aspirations!

    ... TFU
  18. Nasul

    Unable to rank up in CSGO

    How is it possible to get silver rank? or under ak rank???
  19. Nasul

    will wissen warum die meine Demo´s wollen und woher die das alle wissen

    will wissen warum die meine Demo´s wollen und woher die das alle wissen
  20. Nasul

    was ist denn los? keiner wills mir sagen

    was ist denn los? keiner wills mir sagen
  21. Nasul

    why and how u know that every one knows but not me criminals

    why and how u know that every one knows but not me criminals
  22. Nasul

    lol ez win

    lol ez win
  23. Nasul

    lol im not a criminal u criminal!!!

    lol im not a criminal u criminal!!!
  24. Nasul

    dont be mad pls

    dont be mad pls
  25. Nasul

    im not a criminal im a minge!

    im not a criminal im a minge!
  26. Nasul


    ez officer reported that with the tesla, i was not about to deal with it but it happend
  27. Nasul


    i was not the driver. dunno where he was driving but i wanted to go to the city.
  28. Nasul


    There was a life alert in the city and i told the officer to pick me up for instand respawn ma car. then we crash and i saw you armed ofc i shot you? you got you gun out first.
  29. Nasul


    How did i break the NLR ? i had nothing to do with slums sit.
  30. Nasul

    TFU - still has head armour?

    no i was full hp enter slums and get rekt by ppk 1 hit