Hello all! :D
This is just a video I made after Tyla sold me 2 bombs as a cop and tried to run off with the LT. (Oliver Cheng) :laughcry:
(NOTICE) This is not a video to get Tyla punished in anyway>This is just a video I made for a laugh and I am hoping that Tyla will take it as a joke and...
Your Steam/In-game Name: Frank | Frank Sciberras
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jonny Heist (Vamure) & Travis Obryant (Summoner31st)
His/Her SteamID: Jonny: STEAM_0:1:40983594 | Travis: STEAM_0:1:40983594
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
The whole story:
I was driving to the drug dealer...