new players

  1. CosmicKloudz

    Jack Greyson

    Hello. I rp as Jack Greyson and new to everything on the server. I hope to see you in game and make some friends.
  2. just1n

    new player

    doing this for a reward like the server :)
  3. northnortheast

    Server Suggestion Maps app locations

    Suggestion Title: Maps app locations Suggestion Description: Add a search - dropdown list to the 'Maps' phone app with a list of all zoned locations. Selecting a location then pressing 'Navigate' will display a red dot on that location on your phone if visible, otherwise will display an arrow...
  4. TYMON007

    Beginners PLPD guide!

    Hi all! I've created a video, that explains how to become a police officer, and what can be found in the handbook, along with some other tips! Feel free to watch it, I hope it will help some unsure or new people pass the PLPD application!
  5. Frank

    Frank's Useful Guides [1]

    Hello Newbies, Welcome to Here, you will find a lot of friendly people, excluding me :kappa: So, the point of this is to teach you guys about PERP-Heads in the least time possible so you will not be bored. There are a lot of staff which can help you, here are some explanations on their...
  6. Death Howl

    New FAQ/Tutorials

    Topic: FAQ/Tutorial Update Short explanation (in notes): -Add in topics that new players need to read like usage of weapons, Vehicle control, Identifying Staff and how to contact them, How to apply for positions like Supervisor, Dispatch (When available) and Enforcer (Do not think this is...