
  1. privateme

    Does rule 3.4 apply as an officer?

    Say I'm a police officer, and a civilian gunpoints me, does rule 3.4 still apply? Am I able to cuff him or call for backup? I do have to enforce the law, and me telling him to stop would go against law 6.5.
  2. privateme

    Poster: Make sure it's locked.

    If I had a pound for every time I saw the side doors at the PD unlocked or open, well, I wouldn't have to work there. So, I made a poster to remind people to make sure it's locked. The other day, three raiders got in through the unlocked side door by the dumpsters. That could have been prevented...
  3. Avesi berdy

    Avesi Berdy - a tipsy Perpheads perspective , my thoughts and prayers diary 1

    Wagwan, Used to play GTA (Grand Theft Arma, big up kavala PD) until it was shut down. Was a supt on the police in that server and an RPAS weapon . Still getting used to how this server operates. I find the RP so loose its hard to gauge if its leniant or not, very different way of working in...
  4. Eistee von Aldi

    PAPA 5 - Team αlpha recruitment

    Do you think you have what it takes to join the most elite PLPD unit? Are you ready to join the Paralake equivalent of the Avengers? Recruit into the Papa 5 alpha team today and become part of the squad! PAPA 5 team αlpha members: nameforumPLPD rankweapon Lindsey...
  5. Eistee von Aldi

    PAPA 5 - PLPD's secret task-force

    "Papa 5" is the name of an elite special forces team within the PLPD's patrol division. It's 5 members are some of the most battle-hardened and skilled officers in the PLPD. Their year-long intensive training and experience allows them to strike with imposing precision and teamwork, as...
  6. Apo_llo

    PLPD Dispatch

    ! This is a chance for the wider community to give there input into the Dispatch Department and what changes they would like to see throughout the division. ! If it is a DEVELOPMENT Suggestion please keep it to the relevant threads SUGGESTIONS ? You can mention things such as; How you want the...
  7. LordRubberKnee

    Should Jay Walking be punishable by death?

    Pretty self explanatory to be brutally honest I have no time for criminals of this regard.
  8. Megasaw

    UNOFFICIAL GUIDES: how to be a good pistol cop

    If you are an existing TFU member/supervisor who sees a pistol cop block your way during raids, please send them this humbling video to guide them on how to be a pistol cop. Not only will this video provide the best information for your units, but it will also prevent you from going...
  9. Evchil

    Another Perpheads video

    Hey guys just wanted to let you know i made another perpheads video, this time focusing more on the PLPD life! Give me some feedback and hope you enjoy it! If anybody got offended in this video that was never ment on purpose! This video is supposed to be fun! :)
  10. eXequisite

    Cant join police force

    I've got suspended and blacklisted from an officer. I thought it was just for 30 minutes, but after about 2 days its still there and i cant play as officer anymore.
  11. MalekIsWeird


    Front: Back: Introduction Hello! I am Senior Officer Omar Asfour from the PLPD. I am opening this thread so that civilians can view the LIVE bodycam of me on patrol to get an idea of how the PLPD conduct themselves on a day to day basis...
  12. TYMON007

    IA investigations, the PSD and creating complaints

    Hello Perpheads! Today I present you the opportunity to learn and see how are the IA investigations handled, how to create an IA, and perform an officer record check! I also described the Proffessional Standards Departament in general! For some of you it might be a once in a lifetime...
  13. MalekIsWeird

    3+ Hour Livestream PLPD Bodycam + Crime + Shooting range. Note: second day back from 2 week break of playing minecraft instead so I am crap at pvp atm. Also mic quality down due to last mic suddenly checking out so this is what i use until later notice.
  14. TYMON007

    Handling of hostage situations for unlucky lower-ranked officers!

    Hi perpers tymon007 here again with another tutorial video about the PLPD! This time i described how you should deal with hostage situations when there are no cpl+ or TFOs on duty! Feel free to give me some ideas or feedback below!
  15. TYMON007

    Handling and communicating with suspects on the example of a traffic stop as PLPD!

    Hey it's me again! I created another video covering the topic and tips on handling less compliant suspects as PLPD. I also covered the topic of a correct traffic stop! If you have any ideas or suggestions contact me on discord: Tymon007#0033 or on tymon007 or here!
  16. MalekIsWeird

    AMETHYST | PERPHeads High Speed Chase!

    Poetry, Only Vocals. Like if you like :)
  17. TYMON007

    Promotions and Observation Reports in PLPD!

    Hi everyone! Today I decided to give you some tips, along with explaining how to have the best chances to get a promotion in PLPD. I also explained what an OR is, and how to improve your skills basing on what was written in an OR. Feel free to watch it, and leave some feedback, and maybe another...
  18. TYMON007

    How not to get yourself in trouble in PLPD!

    Hi all again! This time, I decided to cover the topic of disciplinary actions, and complaint classifications. I hope this will help you with avoiding any unpleasant situations in the PD, and prevent you from doing something you were not supposed to do! As always, let me know if you have any...
  19. TYMON007

    PLPD Primary and secondary divisions explained!

    Hi all! It's me again. This time I decided to dispel any doubts connected to primary and secondary divisions of PLPD. I hope this guide will help you decide, which divisions you wish to pick in order to develop in the PLPD! Feel free to leave some feedback, either good or bad, and let me...
  20. TYMON007

    Beginners PLPD guide!

    Hi all! I've created a video, that explains how to become a police officer, and what can be found in the handbook, along with some other tips! Feel free to watch it, I hope it will help some unsure or new people pass the PLPD application!
  21. MalekIsWeird

    Expected Visitors | PLPD Bodycam Edit | Police Vs NWA

  22. Kurze

    Police Suggestion Temporary law reform

    The law reform website is still in development and it's not going so fast. However, we keep playing daily with the same laws over and over. I want to suggest a make-shift law reform for laws that need to be attended to ASAP. A certain voting platform could be used such as an announcement...
  23. PLPD Human Resources

    Monthly Roundup - April 2022

    Preface Welcome to the April 2022 edition of the Monthly Roundup. This newsletter is designed to keep our employees and the public updated with any changes in the city or department. Attached to the newsletter will be a message from the office of the Chiefs of Department, awards, key moments...
  24. PLPD Human Resources

    Employee Satisfaction Survey 2022 - Q1 Responses

    Preface This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 26 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our...
  25. PLPD Human Resources

    Monthly Roundup - March 2022

    Preface Welcome to the March 2022 edition of the Monthly Roundup. This newsletter is designed to keep our employees and the public updated with any changes in the city or department. Attached to the newsletter will be a message from the office of the Chiefs of Department, awards, key moments...
  26. PLPD Human Resources

    PLPD Employee Satisfaction Survey - Q1 2022

    PARALKE POLICE DEPARTMENT (NOW OPEN) Employee Satisfaction Survey - Q1 2022 Dear colleagues, In the spirit of the Office of the Chiefs of Department’s “One Department” initiative, the Employee Satisfaction Survey will be making a regular return so as to assist the Senior Management Team in...
  27. PandaWarrior

    The layers of the dispatch office

    Me and Duke money-ford were dispatching and then something terrible happened, a nuclear bomb hit Paralake leaving only the bunker that is the dispatch office, we had to take up refuge and shelter in the office we had enough supply to last us a few years. We made the place our home, as we had...
  28. Super_

    Complaint Statistics - August 2021

  29. Super_

    Complaint Statistics - July 2021
