“Raiding isn’t realistic roleplay” Why you’re technically wrong.

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I’ve seen this all to much, people claiming that “raiding” isn’t roleplay, and that its responsible for killing the game mode. Ive disagreed with this fair bit.

Allow me to explain the mechanics of it and how it correlates to actual roleplay:

1: The drug dealer and growing:

The way perp works with drugs, from a roleplay perspective, people growing are doing so mostly to sell to the drug dealer. By doing this, they are assuming the role of a drugs supplier, meeting up with a contact at secluded locations to sell their drugs.

Unfortunately with the way it works currently, the drug dealer accepts infinite amounts of any drug for a fixed price regardless on how common the drug is and how abundant it is.

Realistically however, the drug dealer wouldn’t accept millions of the same drug from different people and would most likely focus on who can supply the most for the best price, which brings us onto our next point.

2: Supply and demand:

Allow me to explain basic economics of the underworld markets here:

Just like with any markets, supply and demand is key in drugs production and sales. The harder a drug is to produce or import, Paired with the more people who want it, the more money it’d cost. Cocaine is in huge abundance in Paralake due to everyone growing it, therefor realistically, this would cause issues for people trying to profit from it due to the market becoming so hyper inflated of these drugs that they’re worth next to nothing, making dealing drugs a small penny profit as people are able to produce Cocaine with minimal risk of police or rival intervention.

Which will bring us to:

3: cornering the market through deduction and elimination of competition:

Ever wonder why drug dealers irl have dogs, cameras, and weapons? Because the stuff they are carrying and producing is worth more per gram than gold in some cases. It sells quickly and at a pretty penny and anyone who gets their hands on it could quickly resell it simply by hanging around a pub or club. But how can they guarantee profit if they’re buying it to resell? Simple answer here is to steal it. 0 money spent would mean you would make a profit regardless of how much you resell for.

Furthermore, eliminating competition of other drugs manufacturers and dealers makes your product harder to find, meaning that people who want it would be more likely to come to you as opposed to anyone else. If the demand exceeds the supply from multiple sources then this means that a single organisation has the money and resources to expand into a drugs empire. In an ideal drug dealer career on PERP, you’ll want to be the guy everyone comes to if they want to buy or sell drugs, just like IRL.


4: It happens IRL:


5: the police aspect:

Raids are (albeit often wasted by officers) a perfect opportunity for the police force and its supporting government services to coordinate themselves like a real police force, manning cordons and positioning themselves tactically like a real police force. It gives them opportunities to utilise equipment, communication and coordination in order to restore the peace. It’s good fun when everyone actually works together, albeit nowadays, cops just run in despite superiors orders Willy nilly then blame the gameplay mechanics when they immediately die.

6: final notes:
Quite often its a very esporty experience raiding with the call outs in discord org TS however its a video game and therefor such actions are expected from a video game.

Furthermore, a huge reason why perp is enjoyed by so many is because the combat mechanics of PERP exceed those of other servers and games, as well as having a “less serious” seriousRP approach to otherwise absent combat mechanics found on other seriousRP servers, such as /me’ing taking guns on safety and reloading and no “injuryRP” Where if you get shot to Low HP you have to sit crouched until a medic heals you with 400 /me’s and /desc’s.

I’ll update this when I’m not on mobile to patch out any errors or to add more points but this is just my 2 cents on the matter.​
"Raids are (albeit often wasted by officers) a perfect opportunity for the police force and its supporting government services to coordinate themselves like a real police force, manning cordons and positioning themselves tactically like a real police force."

Well in real life, if you decide to rob a house and barricade yourself, you got a whole army outside waiting to take you down. However on perp, It's like cops aren't even a threat. I have been in countless of times where a bunch of people armed with AKS just rush in a building and then come out and destroy every cop they see. If this were to happen in real life, most likely the police will win since the advantage they have in: Numbers, equipment, information etc.
In perp it's usually very likely that the crims will win. Cops and their little M9 pistols won't do anything against an org wielding rifles and driving around in supercars running over every cop. Let's be honest here, cops won't stand a chance against a whole org...
Imo, the crims have a bigger advantage than cops unlike real life.
Pretty sure if you were to eliminate a whole police department in real life, you would be looking at an army...
Crims do whatever they want with cops here ( The only time where cops might win, is when you have a full police department and most of them are TFU in heavy gear. which EVEN THAT sometimes lose against the crims.)
police mostly loses cause they have no idea how to play to be useful in the gamemode when dealing with shootouts, while crims are usually experienced players that coordinate well since they play together a lot.

One of the basic, most simple things was when i just came back to PD and i was an officer, i was literally the only person setting perimeters, making clear over text radio that I am on the said perimeter and every minute reporting if anyone is vulturing or if I see someone, and requesting backup if needed, or if I can tell we're about to get flanked. (all over text radio, not to clutter voice).

If someone drives past or near perimeter with phone in hand, and they speed off towards storage you should alarm officers, use common sense. Double barricades everywhere except middle which had spikes.
Crims have more to lose so they try harder most of the time.

Did I die many many times? Yes.
But my death was always useful regardless if I got the flanker or not since:
1. The flanker has to go through me to shoot cops, that means he needs to risk dying to me before he even gets a chance to aim at the main force.
2. My life alert procs, and with the information I gave you that I am on the perimeter, you now know you're getting flanked so you can divert your attention and change the game plan.

and many other things to win in shootouts can be used to win against criminals.
I'm sorry but me getting M82'ed from behind my car is my fault? All I see is people lobbing grenades and rushing with AR's. No matter how prepared you can be cops still lose due to TFU dying first and flankers picking you off from miles away.
the problem isn't that they're a part of perp, the problem is that it can get to be up to 70% of the entirety of what's happening on the server that day, and it sometimes feels like I'm in Donbass.

Peope don't want to do something fun or creative, they just want click head get dopamine, make montage, get rating and then dopamine again get ego and hate on those who say clicking montage not fun
ah sounds way nicer, got a headache by imagining you write this thanks for your clarification
Cops only lose because they push inside, raiders absolutely have an advantage with this. As @money said, police have every advantage from the start but give up their hand too early.
Additionally, people often drive straight through road barricades and threaten IA when stopped and arrested for inevitably carrying a firearm. I don’t blame cops for ignoring perimeters as they are literally the most awful thing to sit at and managers with every funny man in the city trying to run you over and shoot you.

back in the day when police organized for a raid in the PD parking lot and strategized before arriving proved a lot more powerful and interesting. All that has to happen is current PD supervisors have to organize the forces and create some interesting strategy and RP rather than gearing up as TFU and throwing a flash that blinds everyone on the stairs.

@BigBenji i encourage you to train TFU to not rush in and be more strategic. I’ve seen @money camped outside projex for over an hour and hold raiders inside by himself. With the addition of a full police force and TFU trained like him, this is absolutely winnable in almost every situation. Perimeters, holding positions and being strict win every raid
Well you can wait outside all you want, but sitting outside for over an hour like you mentioned is just boring, i'd rather sit on 5minutes blackscreen and 5minutes NLR and try again. People who get raided by cops, or are hiding in an apt that got raided mostly wait for cops to enter, cause they know if they go out they'll have a bigger chance of losing.