1.2 - Provocative Discrimination Act

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change

What law do you wish to change/add:
A person is guilty under 1.2 if they use any form of threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or any displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting against a protected entity in a public setting or through any form of mobile communications device.

Why should this change/addition be made: The idea of this is to put an end to hate crime whether it is racial hatred through a text message or some bloke shouting obscene anti-disabled comments outside of the PD. The thing that the current verbal abuse law does not go into is the act of using derogatory or discriminatory terms through any signs or messages so you know this might be an improvement and that.

What is the aim of this change/addition: As mentioned above this law change suggestion has an aim to stop hate crime.

Additional Information: I suppose you can still include text messages in 1.2 right now but I have already written this all out now and plus it will stop shop signs saying "anti nigger shop" or whatever they are these days. It might also help newer players that do not understand law 1.2 to actually understand it and make valid arrests.

I have also noticed there are so many times where someones told me to fuck off and are very rude when I knock on their door which is why I made an edit to my other law change suggestion here: https://perpheads.com/threads/1-13-causing-harassment-alarm-or-distress.12689/ which will stop people telling me to fuck off all the time as being at a front door of a house is still a public setting.

Inspired by http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/64/part/III
+Support now that tooter has been added it is especially relevant.


I think what I posted here kind of covers that: https://perpheads.com/threads/1-13-causing-harassment-alarm-or-distress.12689/ what do you think?
1.2 Causing Harassment, Alarm or Distress

It is an offence to use threatening, abusing or insulting words or behaviour, or to display any writing sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress.

Regarding the mobile communications, I had this up my sleeve, opinions? This would mean that the PD can do things about adverts, Tooter, phone conversations and text messages.

1.13 Malicious Communications

It is an offence to send/publish content which is indecent or grossly offensive, or which conveys a threat, or which is false.
The offence covers letters, writings of all descriptions, electronic communications, images and videos. Particular serious examples may justify a more serious offence, 1.7 Threat of Physical Harm.
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