2 guys tried to mug me infront of gas station

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Jamal & Shi-Lin will be given time to explain their actions. Doesn't directly look like a mugging from the evidence.
Jamal & Shi-Lin will be given time to explain their actions. Doesn't directly look like a mugging from the evidence.
Shot for no reason,there is another guy that got rdmed infront of the PLPD and firefighter got killed outside the slums doors.
I had no part in this situation I was just passing to chase the guys down that shot my car up. I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to ignore the consent to being ziptied while having a gun to your head though, correct me if I'm wrong.
@Shi upload your demo, I'd like to the this situation from your perspective. Please do this ASAP.

Both users are already banned.
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