: )))

ic name: exro bite
ooc name: exrobite
allowance: i dont get allowance since my dad went to the cigarette store and never came back
why are you epic enough to join: i am a lieutenant in the gamers army gamers rise up!
your credit card number + the 3 numbers on the back and exp date: 4212 3213 4366 6454 and the 3 numbers on the back are 696
ic name: Robert Crane
ooc name: lmfao I'm never out of character
allowance: the government gives me like £200 if I pretend to look for work i guess
why are you epic enough to join: I haven't even been on the server properly in like 3 months and I'm emotionally abusive to the people stupid enough to think they're my friends
your credit card number + the 3 numbers on the back and exp date: sorry my stepdad says credit cards are a way for the banks to establish joinder with you so they can steal your house and I don't even have a house so I'm not allowed one