5.2 Forced Withdrawals

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Currently, the following clause in rule number 5.2 forbids police officers from searching the trunk of a vehicle:
...players may not force other players to withdraw items from their storage boxes/trunks.

In spite of this, the previous laws gave officers the power to search vehicles, and so does the new penal code:
3.6 Right to Search
Law enforcement officers may search a vehicle belonging to a detained person if it is believed that the vehicle contains evidence which is believed to be related to a crime that the Law enforcement officer has reasonable belief has been committed inside the vehicle and or a crime in which the vehicle has been used,

Realistically, officers would be able to search vehicles within the confines of law 3.6 when necessary either by forcing access or by taking keys; it only makes sense that a vehicle trunk should be able to be searched when the vehicle meets the criteria outlined in this section of the police powers.

I would suggest that the rule is changed to allow vehicles to be searched and items to be seized by police officers.
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