Model Suggestion 5.7mm duo added to perp

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Suggestion Title: 5.7mm duo added to perp
Suggestion Description: This suggestion is to add the FN Five SeveN handgun and the P90 Carbine to PERP (or the P90S for balance reasons)

Rather than just being 2 generic firearms, they should be balanced differently to other weapons in their classes.

The caliber itself:
- Should do less per shot damage than a typical handgun cartridge weapon, like the UMP or Glock 17. This would be a downside over the alternatives.
- It should have similar penetration stats to a rifle. This will be a plus side to using it.
- Should retain accuracy and persistent damage at range compared to its pistol caliber counterparts.
- Should not be as powerful up close, focusing more on consistent damage across all ranges instead.

The FN Five-SeveN should:
- Cost around 5.5K to craft to put it in league with the desert eagle.
- Magazine should hold 20 rounds and cost around 1.5K to craft.
- Recoil pattern should be similar to the Sig P226, where it flicks to the side, making spam fire more difficult but shots more controllable.
- Should take pistol reflex sight, Microdot sight, and Eotech compact holo sight.

This pistol would offer a viable alternative to most handguns, therefor it would be in the same price category as the machine pistols and 50 caliber pistols. It would, however, also offer a brilliant alternative to people wanting to spend 6k on a pistol, as handguns in this price category either offer huge power or automatic fire modes.

The FN P90 should:
- Either have the military versions 50 round magazine or the commercial version’s (P90S) infamous 30 round magazine, if balance issues arise.
- Should have semi and full auto fire modes.
- Should have fairly sharp upwards recoil, similar to but more than the MP7.
- Should shoot at around 900 rounds per minute.
- Should not be concealable, displaying on the back.
- Should be able to take all non-zoom optics.
- Should have either crown flip sights or small compact backup style iron sights.
- Should be the loudest SMG.
- Should cost around $8750-$10000 to craft.
- Magazines should cost around $2500 (if implemented with 50 round magazine) or $1000 (if implemented as the P90S with a 30 round magazine)

Overall the gun would serve as the bridge between a Rifle and a Sub machine gun, where the benefits of a 5.56 rifle are offered in watered down form, but the job can still be done.

Other items to accommodate for this would be:
- 5.7x28mm magazine (FN Five SeveN)
- 5.7x28mm magazine (P90)
- 5.7x28mm Suppressor (should cost 3.5K to make)

Why should this be added?:
- Everyone loves these guns!
- Base models are in absolute abundance for these 2 guns.
- Shouldn’t really be disbalanced as described in this suggestion.
- Weapons update is pretty poggers.

What negatives could this have?:
- Due to effort required, would benefit better being implemented with a large scale update.
- Development work, model work and animation work required.
- TFU will want them.

Useful Images:
cant wait for someone to try and mug me and lose more money defending myself than if i were to just give them whats on me
(5.7x28mm is stupidly expensive)

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