500K+VIP Giveaway - Ended

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Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Raffle is being hosted on Scrap.tf just in case people will go "RIGGED!11!!11!"
password: godiloveperp

Please post your SteamID in here if you join so I can quickly add you on Steam or donate the VIP, thanks. Joining with a second account to raise your chances of winning is not allowed and just scummy, this is also against Scrap.TF's community rules. I will contact their staff if necessary.

Here's a goodbye present as I don't play on PERP that much anymore, I'll be giving away 500K and split it up to 3 people, the 4th winner gets a month of VIP donated from me trough PayPal (if you already have VIP you'll get it added/stacked onto your existing one, if it's staff then I'll pick one myself).

Anyone is able to join under some conditions:
You're not banned.
You actually play PERP.
You already have all the money in the world.

If you still decide to join and win I will redraw and announce a new winner.

I will plan on giving away more stuff in-game, I'll buy this beast from the car dealer first though.

Win the Refined Metal and you'll receive:
250.000 in-game money.
Win the Reclaimed Metal and you'll receive:
150.000 in-game money.
Win the Scrap Metal and you'll receive:
100.000 in-game money.
Win the Dueling Minigame and you'll receive:
One month of VIP.
You can keep those items of course.
You cheated in csgo tournament so you're disqualified from winning.
It is called game sense, playing with the same people for maybe 4 years, playing our most played map and a bit of luck and good communication with that one wallbang
It is called game sense, playing with the same people for maybe 4 years, playing our most played map and a bit of luck and good communication with that one wallbang

It all builds up to 1 thing!!¡¡

You cheated in csgo tournament so you're disqualified from winning.
Atleast he doesn't cheat anymore, or maby im da cheetah?


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