Husky Messages 2,338 Reaction score 6,906 Points 805 Location United Kingdom, Devon May 14, 2019 Thread starter #61 found some gmod nvidia settings
MILKY Messages 807 Reaction score 1,066 Points 605 May 14, 2019 #63 Yeah uses his bombs for everything like it was a warzone in iraq
Dr. Dräjj Messages 1,379 Reaction score 2,045 Points 770 Location Moscow May 14, 2019 #64 Stretched is gay man 1920x1080 16:9 is for real men Good clips xD
Husky Messages 2,338 Reaction score 6,906 Points 805 Location United Kingdom, Devon May 14, 2019 Thread starter #65 Yea I changed back to 16:9 for the last few clips
FatGeorge Messages 1,317 Reaction score 1,991 Points 895 Location The civil war of Somalia May 14, 2019 #66 Don't listen to these foreigners stretched gang for life @Cody Garrett
Google Chrome Communication Banned Messages 1,340 Reaction score 1,964 Points 795 Location NotIsrael May 14, 2019 #67 @FatGeorge foreigners but still better than you lul
Google Chrome Communication Banned Messages 1,340 Reaction score 1,964 Points 795 Location NotIsrael May 14, 2019 #68 No one talks trash to my boyfriend dräjj
Phan Messages 63 Reaction score 57 Points 260 May 14, 2019 #70 Omg 0.50 unrealistic movement pls ban too op bunny hopper