A stroke of Ingenuity


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the crematorium
Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/a-replacement-for-influence.29256/

Main Idea:
The "Influence" gene would be replaced by a gene called "Ingenuity."

Full description of the idea:

"Ingenuity" is a gene that will affect crafting. It will give, per point, an X% chance for a component of a recipe to have no crafting time. This can be added up to a total of Y% where Y=5X Of course, X would not be anywhere near 20, and could even scale in a non-linear fashion (eg. 2%, 4%, 8%, 16% and 32%, following an exponential relationship. This is subject to balance.)

The idea of a chance-based proc is something that would still be able to be balanced about mean values, and would give crafters a sense of excitement when their proc amount is above average.

This could also just be a flat % decrease of crafting time.

Why should it be added?: While it is not a critical feature, I feel that replacing a useless gene would be a nice change, and would give crafting a little more depth.

Pros: No more useless genes

Cons: None were proposed

*Other additions:
Going to slip this in here; give genes a description of what they do in F1 when you hover over them

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