Autobahn Motor* Club aka. ABMC
* = Due to lack of motorcycles, the club is 'just' a Motor club, with cars as the vehicle of choice.
Welcome to the AMBC, also known as Autobahn Motor Club.
This club is for nothing but car enthusiasts, and the only demands we have, are that members follow the rules, are loyal to the club, and of course, are car enthusiasts. Wouldn't want some hill-billy with no understanding of cars, would we?
The club rules are as follows:

* = Due to lack of motorcycles, the club is 'just' a Motor club, with cars as the vehicle of choice.

Welcome to the AMBC, also known as Autobahn Motor Club.
This club is for nothing but car enthusiasts, and the only demands we have, are that members follow the rules, are loyal to the club, and of course, are car enthusiasts. Wouldn't want some hill-billy with no understanding of cars, would we?

The club rules are as follows:
- Do not bring unwanted attention to the club.
- Stay out of any form of trouble.
- Commit no criminal actions.
- Come to any and all meetings.

You may think "Oh wow, another club. Just what we needed!"
But that's of course sarcastic. Although, we're not here to make your day worse. Rather, we'll make your day better.
The ABMC also provides mechanical training for all members. This means we can fix you car - For a small price, of course. Every member is set to be a professional mechanic, and our mechanic headquarters will be located at the Scrapyard, where you can bring your broken car, and we'll fix it for you.
To make it better, we'll do it for cheaper than your local mechanic. Usually, the local road crew demands a total of $500 each time. We can do it for $100, sometimes for less, if you're nice.
Go to the Scrapyard yourself, call the Secretary, and if the secretary is not available, call one of the three head mechanics, if you wish to make an appointment. This would be the Club President, Vice President, and Sergeant At Arms.

Club members and ranks:
Club President - Jared Fillerton - #794-3067
V. President - Kenneth Walker - #237-7272
Sgt. At Arms - John Bishop - #933-1953
Secretary -
Treasurer -

This page is still a work in progress
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