Action Request (Akuma)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Brice
Your Roleplay Name: Frankie Bacon
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97673850

Player's Steam Name: Akuma
Player's Roleplay Name: Akuma Groves
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96733046

Why should this player be punished?: The guy ran into slums with a weapon for no apparent reason they began to shoot and kill two of us as we were wearing hand cuffs. No idea why, i dont know if he lives there. Even then we weren't raiding

Evidence Link:
I was given false informations about being raided so i just rushed without thinking to warn them to put there hands up, it also was like my first day on the server and this frankie bacon and his friend was constantly raiding me thats why i thought it wouldve been the same thing.

I also read the rules a second time to freshen myself up and also learned more about serious roleplay ever since this incidicent

When countering a raid, even if it's against you, you must ensure that no police officers are on scene, and in the case of an absence of police officers, ensure that you only kill people that you know for sure are raiding you and are armed. @Akuma Groves will receive a warning for 2.5 and 3.4
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