Action Request (AlterZ)

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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Your Steam Name: Simon Bendetti
Your Roleplay Name: Simon Bendetti
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121982224

Player's Steam Name: Alterz
Player's Roleplay Name: Edward Torres
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:585556236

Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 - His friends were just sitting at fredy's talking to each other, i went over to mess with them and fake calling 911. One of them shot me for trying to call 911 on them for illegal display and transportation of a firearm.

This happened earlier today and I had a report open for 30 mins ish and I had to go to bed so I have no idea who shot me
it happened yesterday at 8:24 AM EST
Evidence Link:
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He was snitching to the cops about us having weapons on us. And as we were about to go raiding its not the best thing to have cops on your ass.
And i also definetly dont think its a good idea to go up to 4 guys with rifles on their back telling them your going to call the cops on them.

Btw sorry for not answering for so long, i dont really check forums.
And also i am willing to give him his gun back if he'd like.
People having guns on their back at subs storage is not surprising at all. You could have easily told me not to call 911 but instead you blew my head off with 0 context. If you were about to go raiding, how is shooting someone with a life alert on them your idea of trying to minimize impact with the cops before even committing a crime worth shooting over. I think the main issue I have with this, is I clearly stated illegal transport, yet you killed me over it without even giving any demand not to stop calling. I’d also like to point out walking up to someone with guns at subs storage is not threatening at all, there wasn’t any crimes being committed of violent nature in the area. If there had been a recent shooting I obviously would have stayed away from you.
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I couldnt know how far in the process you were of calling the cops you could have had your cursor on "send message". Which at that point i couldnt have a chance to tell you not to. And your also saying that its not suprising to have guns on your back at subs storage. But in the clip we were in our car on our way to go raid, not directly at subs storage. And IRL would you just casually walk up to 4 armed men telling them you going to call the police on them, and then actually call the police right in front of them? And as i was right besides my car i could easily drive off the second i shoot you. And then proceed to go raid where i still have the big possibility of having to shoot somebody anyways.

And as i said before i can refund your gun if thats what you want.
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